Press Room - Embassy of Israel to the United States
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  • Press Room

    Israel refutes allegations of UNRWA Commissioner-General Krähenbühl

    The Commissioner-General is deliberately ignoring Hamas’ responsibility for the instigated violence. He is ignoring the large number of Hamas casualties and he is also ignoring the fact that Hamas used Gaza residents as human shields.
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    PM Netanyahu addresses international conference of air force commanders

    Israel deeply appreciates the strong leadership of President Trump and Secretary Pompeo's 12-point plan to block Iran's aggression, and I can tell you with confidence that this appreciation is broadly shared by many others in the Middle East.
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    Israel’s response to Palestinian referral to the ICC

    The purported Palestinian referral is legally invalid, and the ICC lacks jurisdiction over the Israeli-Palestinian issue, since Israel is not a member of the Court and because the Palestinian Authority is not a state.
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    PM Netanyahu at the opening of the Paraguayan Embassy in Jerusalem

    Paraguay helped Jews escape Nazi Germany. We will never forget this. You did this before the Holocaust, during the Holocaust and after the Holocaust. It was an act of benevolence and mercy that is forever etched in our hearts.
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    PM Netanyahu attends MFA reception marking the opening of the Paraguayan Embassy in Jerusalem

    President Trump has taken a firm position, which we welcome, against Iran. We believe this is the right policy. We believe it's the only policy that could ultimately guarantee the security of the Middle East and peace in our region.
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    PM Netanyahu meets with Paraguayan President Horacio Cartes

    Among the subjects discussed were diplomatic and economic issues and strengthening agricultural, economic and commercial cooperation between the two countries.
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    US Sec. State Pompeo: A new Iran strategy

    Secretary Pompeo: We'll continue to work with allies to counter the regime's destabilizing activities in the region, block their financing of terror, and address Iran's proliferation of missiles. We will also ensure Iran has no path to a nuclear weapon.
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    MFA response to the UNHRC resolution

    Israel has an independent, professional judicial system that has already begun investigating the events along the Gaza Strip-Israel border. Israel rejects the attempt to impose an external investigation driven by inappropriate political motives.
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    PM Netanyahu’s response to the UNHRC resolution

    An organization that calls itself the Human Rights Council once again proves that it is hypocritical and biased and that its purpose is to harm Israel and support terror.
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    Honoring the past, seizing the future: Guatemala’s Embassy reopens in Jerusalem

    This is the beginning of something extraordinary, or I would say, the re-beginning of something extraordinary, which is the relationship between Guatemala and Israel.
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    PM Netanyahu meets with Panamanian President Juan Carlos Varela

    Iran is the preeminent terrorist state of our time. We have a common battle to fight terrorism, and to fight the sponsors and dispatchers of terrorists. And we are doing it in the Middle East, but it encompasses today the entire world.
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    PM Netanyahu’s remarks at the opening of the Guatemalan embassy in Jerusalem

    Judaism started in Jerusalem, Christianity started in Jerusalem and this is something that is a sharing principle that allows us to go forward to many, many areas of modernity, of technology, of prosperity, an alliance for prosperity.
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    President Rivlin holds official welcoming ceremony for President Juan Carlos Varela of Panama

    President Rivlin: Israel has the duty to defend our borders and our citizens. Israel will never give in to terror. We will take every step needed to defend our borders and people.
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    PM Netanyahu meets with Guatemalan President Jimmy Morales

    This is a great day for Israel. This is a great day for Guatemala. Guatemala was with us at the beginning and Guatemala is with us today, and we welcome the opening of the embassy in Jerusalem.
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    President Rivlin meets with Guatemalan President Morales

    President Rivlin: “The Israel Defense Forces is our people's army – our children and our grandchildren are IDF soldiers who defend their homes. Any country would have dealt uncompromisingly against such attempts of invasion."
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