Why We Created the LinkedIn Page

Why We Created the LinkedIn Page

    In public diplomacy, sometimes you need to make a splash in order to open a dialogue. Some have described our LinkedIn as "epic" and others have called it "childish." Whichever angle the media or Twitterverse took, the project revived a conversation that we feel was being omitted from the public discourse. In this regard, we achieved our goal. 

    Israel believes that the nuclear military program of Iran should be stopped immediately. That can only succeed if the international community demands that Iran stops all nuclear enrichment; dismantles the illicit underground nuclear facility near and Qom; removes all enriched material from its territory; and halts the construction of the heavy water reactor in Arak. 

    Indeed, no country has a greater interest than Israel in resolving the Iranian nuclear threat through diplomatic means. We have the most at stake. The tightening of sanctions paired with a credible military threat is the best way to achieve this. 
    Since his election, Iranian President Hassan Rouhani has embarked on a public diplomacy campaign to relieve sanctions while continuing to advance Iran's nuclear program. In recent years, when Iran embarked on the diplomatic track, its nuclear program did not stop. In fact, it accelerated, even during Rouhani's tenure as Iran's chief nuclear negotiator from 1989 to 2005. The International Atomic Energy Agency has confirmed through its reports that the nuclear program is still continuing apace. 

    The true test for Rouhani must be in his regime's actions and not words.