UN Sec General and Justice Minister Tzipi Livni Meet at the UN

U.N Sec. General and Justice Min. Livni Meet in NY

    Photo: ‎Yesterday, Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon met with Justice Minister Tzipi Livni - ציפי לבני at UN Headquarters in New York. They discussed regional stability in the Middle East - and the prospect of renewed peace talks. 

Israel remains committed to the concept of two states for two peoples. We are ready to negotiate immediately, without preconditions - but the Palestinians seem to be everywhere but the negotiating table these days.

See a brief clip of the meeting between the Secretary-General and Justice Minister here: http://www.unmultimedia.org/tv/unifeed/2013/05/un-tzipi-livni/‎
    On May 2, ​UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon met with Justice Minister Tzipi Livni at UN Headquarters in New York. They discussed regional stability in the Middle East and the prospect of renewed peace talks. Video: http://isra.li/9r​

    Israel remains committed to the concept of two states for two peoples and is ready to negotiate immediately, without preconditions.