Remembrance Day for the Fallen of Israel's Wars

Remembering the Fallen of Israel's Wars

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    ​Remembrance Day, Yom Hazikaron, which begins on Sunday evening, April 14, is a day of collective and personal anguish mingled with awe and honor for the fallen. The official events begin at 8:00 PM with a moment of national silence heralded by a one minute siren. ​

    On Monday, ceremonies commence at 11:00 AM at 44 IDF military cemeteries located throughout the country following a two minute blast of the siren. There will also be a ceremony for overseas Mahal volunteers who fought and died during the War of Independence, which will take place near the Sha'ar Hagai Junction. Israel's flag, adorned with a black ribbon and memorial flame, is placed on each and every grave of those who fell in Israel's battles and are buried in military cemeteries throughout Israel. It expresses the country's respect for the 25,578 Fallen Israeli Soldiers and Victims of Terrorism as well as the entire country's participation in the grief of the families.

    In memory of those who have fallen while on duty in the Israeli Foreign Service

  • Commemoaאing the fallen with animated videos

    Bet AVI CHAI, an Israeli organization working to promote religious and secular relations, has presented a new memorial project, which aims to commemorate IDF's slain soldiers with short animated videos which illustrate significant moments in the lives of the fallen soldiers and their families. The Project is called Panim. Yom. Zikaron. 

    The project tries to harness modern technology to revive these shreds of memory and share them with us all, believing that these memories bear significance beyond one formal day a year. 

    One of the project's videos is Night Watch, produced in memory of Aryeh Aloni, based on a story by Ehud Banai. In the video, two soldiers meet on a watch tower and drift into each others thoughts and dreams not knowing what the future will bring. The animation is made out of fragments of images and moments flowing into one another like a string of thought.

    Animation: Maayan Tzuriel, Isca Mayo
    Music: Itay Tal, Matan Gilat
    Narrator: Ehud Banai
