President Rivlin addresses Balfour Declaration centennial at British Ambassador's Residence 25 October 2017

President Rivlin addresses Balfour Declaration centennial at British Ambassador's Residence

    President Rivlin: 100 years ago, Lord Balfour made history, he changed history. It is a history that places upon us all a duty to work together, to continue to strengthen the friendship between Britain and Israel.
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    President Rivlin addressing the Balfour Declaration centennial at the British Ambassador's Residence. President Rivlin addressing the Balfour Declaration centennial at the British Ambassador's Residence. Copyright: GPO/Mark Neiman
    ​(Communicated by the President's Spokesperson)

    President Reuven Rivlin yesterday evening (Tuesday, 24 October 2017) addressed the award ceremony for the International Young Person's Award - Israel, a volunteering and young leadership project under the umbrella of the renowned Duke of Edinburgh Award scheme in the UK. The award ceremony was held at the residence of Britain's Ambassador to Israel, David Quarrey.
    President Rivlin said, "The International Award for Young People does this so very well, it makes great leaders from all parts of society. This award teaches us how we can all work to make a difference, to change the world for the good."
    The President went on to note, "We are about to mark 100 years since Lord Balfour sent a letter on behalf of the British Government, supporting the establishment of a Jewish homeland in the Land of Israel. In that moment, Lord Balfour made history, he changed history. It is a history that places upon us all a duty to work together, to continue to strengthen the friendship between Britain and Israel. And also to continue to build the State of Israel, as a proud Jewish and democratic state. This is the legacy of the Balfour Declaration, and it is a great and proud legacy indeed."