President Peres' Passover Greeting 2012

Pres. Peres' Passover Greeting

    Happy Holidays everyone!

    I truly enjoy Passover, not only because it symbolizes the exodus from Egypt and the coming of spring, but it reminds us of the fundamental values in each of our lives. It reminds us of the values of liberty and equality, and the spirit of our people.

    As long as there is discrimination against women, and as long as children and the elderly are suffering in poverty, we have not truly exited from Egypt. As long as there is inequality and a lack of opportunity for the poor, there is still slavery in the world. And so, we are ordered to see ourselves as the generation leaving Egypt, striving again to reach Israel, the Promised Land. Never forget the hardship that our ancestors endured, for that is what is said in the Haggadah.

    I invite you to be my friend on Facebook, to pray together and act together for the freedom of every person throughout the world and for the prosperity of every nation.