President Peres' 90th Birthday Celebration

President Peres' 90th Birthday Celebration

    President Peres celebrates his 90th birthday with friends, family, and guests from around the world as part the 2013 Israeli Presidential Conference held on June 18.

    “Facing Tomorrow” – the fifth Israeli Presidential Conference under the auspices of President Shimon Peres focused on the human factor, its role in shaping tomorrow and whether the quality of leadership can make a difference. Prominent speakers like singer Barbara Streisand, Mayor of Chicago Rahm Emanuel, Governor of the Bank of Israel Stanley Fisher, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Former Prime Minister of the United Kingdom and Former President Bill Clinton joined other  world leaders, international scholars, activists, poets and scientists, artists, clergy, entrepreneurs, economists and industrialists, as well as representatives of the next ge​neration of leaders from around the world in engaging the prominent issues of tomorrow.  ​

    All photo credits: President Peres' Twitter​ 
    President Peres with two young girls.jpg
    President Peres on stage with two young performers

    A dance and musical performance at President Peres' birthday party
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    President Shimon Peres hugs with Barbara Streisand

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