PM Netanyahu departs for the US 3 March 2018

PM Netanyahu departs for the US

    I will meet with President Trump, and we will discuss issues of Iranian aggression in our region in general and the Iranian nuclear program in particular. I will also discuss with the President about advancing the peace process.
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    PM Netanyahu and his wife Sarah departing for the United States. PM Netanyahu and his wife Sarah departing for the United States. Copyright: GPO/Haim Zach
    ​(Communicated by the Prime Minister's Media Adviser)
    Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, this evening (Saturday, 3 March 2018), made the following remarks upon leaving for the US:
    "Tonight I am leaving on an important visit to the US where I will meet with President Donald Trump and address the annual AIPAC Policy Conference.
    In the conversation with the President I will thank him on behalf of the Israeli people for moving the American embassy to Jerusalem, in honor of the State of Israel's 70th Independence Day.
    First and foremost, I with discuss Iran with the President ahead of the decision on the nuclear program. We will discuss Iranian aggression in our region in general and regarding the Iranian nuclear program in particular. I will also discuss with the President about advancing the peace process.
    Advancing these issues is important for Israel and for the security of the entire world."