PM Netanyahu Meets Bipartisan Congressional Delegation

PM Netanyahu Meets with Congressional Delegation

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    Netanyahu and Wittman Netanyahu and Wittman Copyright: GPO

    ​Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, today (Monday, 28 January, 2013), met with a bipartisan delegation from the US House of Representatives led by Rep. Rob Wittman (R-VA). The Prime Minister said: "We've had very close cooperation on all things, including the developing matters in Syria, very close cooperation between our two governments. I think this is important for the stability of the region, for the security of Israel and it's much appreciated."

    Rep. Wittman said: "We deeply value the relationship between the United States and Israel. With all the challenges in the region, as you spoke about, we are very committed to make sure we are here to understand the challenges and where we can help Israel meet these challenges and make sure that the region operates in the best interests of all."

    On January 25, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu met with a bipartisan delegation of members of the US House of Representatives led by Rep. Jack Kingston (R-GA). The Prime Minister and the House members discussed developments in the region, including the Iranian nuclear issue, the chemical weapons in Syria and the situation in the Palestinian Authority. 

    Photo: PM Netanyahu and Rep. Rob Wittman (R-VA). Credit: Moshe Milner, GPO.​