Embassy of Israel to the United States | News | Israeli News


    • Pres Peres meets US Pres Obama

      They discussed ways to prevent Iran from attaining nuclear weapons, advancing the Israel-Palestinian peace process and bilateral diplomatic and security cooperation.
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    • Netanyahu: Obama AIPAC speech

      I very much appreciated the fact that President Obama reiterated his position that Iran must not be allowed to develop nuclear weapons and that all options are on the table.
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    • Pres Peres statement on Iran

      Peres: A nuclear Iran is a strategic threat, not only to Israel but to the world at large. Iran is a center of moral corruption and it feeds and arms world terrorism.
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    • Amb Prosor at UNGA on Syria

      Bashar al-Assad is systematically murdering civilians. It is high time for this organization to start doing something meaningful to stop him from killing his own people.
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    • Technion, Cornell NYC Hi-Tech

      ​A partnership between Cornell University and Technion-Israel Institute of Technology will establish a world-class, high-tech graduate school in New York City, Mayor Michael Bloomberg annou ...
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