Embassy of Israel to the United States | News | Israeli News


    • Israel and UN sign agreement

      Israel and the United Nations are cooperating on development, a central topic on the international agenda.
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    • 2011 financial statements

      For the first time, the land owned by the State has been appraised. The scope of assets in respect to projects in cooperation with the private sector stands at approximately NIS 19 billion ...
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    • Pres. Peres meets Sen. Kerry

      President Peres is convinced that the President of the United States is serious and will stand by his commitment to prevent Iran from acquiring a nuclear weapon.
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    • Amb Prosor to UNSC: Smuggling

      Illicit smuggling is made possible by an increasingly linked network of smuggling rings, transnational criminals, and terrorists. These groups are working together around the world like nev ...
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    • Amb Prosor to UNSC on Mideast

      I would like to use today's debate as an opportunity to address just a few of the myths that have become a permanent hindrance to our discussion of the Middle East here at the United Nations.
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