Meet Team Israel: Eran Nitzan

Meet Team Israel: Eran Nitzan

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    Meet Team Israel: Eran Nitzan Meet Team Israel: Eran Nitzan
    Minister Eran Nitzan has served as the Economic Attaché at the Embassy of Israel for two years, where he deals with the financial and economic relationship between Israel and the US. We sat down with him to find out more about the wide range of topics his work concerns:

    What do you do here at the Embassy?

    The Economic Attaché​​ is the one who represents the interests of the Ministry of Finance here in Washington, DC. First and foremost, we deal with budget issues such as grants, loan guarantees, and even tax treaties between the Unites States and Israel. In addition, we deal with bonds, and economic and Jewish organizations. Aside from that, we work to increase government-to-government relationships. In our portfolio we cover artificial intelligence, accelerator collaborations with the US, health, the environment, and many other issues that different ministries within the Israeli government work with our fellows and colleagues in the current US administration.

    How long have you worked here?

    I’ve been here for two years. Previously I was the Deputy Director of the budget department at the Ministry of Finance, dealing with issues like housing and environment, and budgeting for different departments relevant to these issues.

    What do you think makes a good diplomat?

    It’s all about humanity. The ability to connect with your colleagues on a way that a video conference cannot. By these connections, you create a network through a lot of work and meetings that actually makes your mission fruitful. You can both bring information, you can bring messages, and you can make bottom lines in the different areas that you are working with the administration in.

    What motivates you to make a difference?

    We all want to make a change; we all want to be remembered. It’s a huge privilege and a great honor to represent the Israeli government in Washington, so it’s a combination of both Zionism, and of course personal inspirations and motivations. And impressing my wife.