Meet Team Israel: Amir Rom

Meet Team Israel: Amir Rom

  •   Political Counselor for Middle Eastern Affairs
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    Amir Rom Amir Rom
    1.   What do you do here at the Embassy?
    I cover Middle Eastern affairs, geographically from Iran to North Africa. Within my work, I frequently meet with my counterparts from the State Department, National Security Council, as well as  think tanks in Washington that deal with the Middle East, and foreign diplomats from a variety of countries. In general, significant part of my job is to hold continuous  dialogue with my colleagues in the Administration in order to further expand the existing cooperation and coordination on a variety of issues related to the Middle East. It’s also a great opportunity to exchange views and learn from experts on the Middle East about major developments in places like Iran, Syria, Lebanon and other countries.
    2.  How long have you worked here at the embassy?
    I have started my third year. Before that, I was the Deputy Head of Mission in Baku, Azerbaijan. Being posted there was a fascinating and rewarding experience, especially in a Muslim country which has excellent relations with Israel.
    3.  What does it take to be a good diplomat?
    First of all , a good diplomat should be a good person. He should be sensitive to his surroundings and to the people he meets with. He should be curious and motivated to frequently  learn new things. He should be a people’s person, good at networking. He has to be professional, of course, to promote and achieve  the missions under his portfolio in a professional and efficient manner.
    4.  What motivates you to make a difference?
    I would say two things. First of all is the essence of my task . I am a representative of the State of Israel, and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, working in an important capital such as Washington. Being focused on achieving the goals I’m expected to achieve drives me to make a difference. The second thing is that I am working in my field of interest. I’ve been dealing with Middle Eastern Affairs since high school, where I majored in Arabic and Middle East studies. The opportunity to expand my knowledge and expertise and to refuel my curiosity within this job motivates me to make a difference as well.​