Israel Invests Agriculture and Education Expertise in Central America

Israel Invests Agricultural Expertise in Americas

  •   ​CABEI and Israel´s MASHAV sign a Technical Cooperation General Agreement
    CABEI´s Executive President Dr. Nick Rischbieth and the Ambassador for the State of Israel in Washington DC, Mr. Ron Dermer.
    Israel's Ambassador to the United States Ron Dermer and CABEI´s Executive President Dr. Nick Rischbieth sign a development agreement.

    October 11th 2013 - Washington DC.- The Central American Bank for Economic Integration (CABEI) signed a Technical Cooperation General Agreement with MASHAV, Israel's Agency for International Development Cooperation in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, with the purpose of broadening ties of a technical nature in fields where Israel has relevant expertise acquired during its own development experience. 

    Cooperation between CABEI and MASHAV within the agreement will concentrate mainly in the fields of Agriculture, Education, and SME development through courses in Israel and on-site administered by MASHAV extensions and training affiliates, in addition to short and long term consultancies carried out by Israeli experts. In this context, CABEI will serve as a means to enhance the effectiveness of MASHAV´s aid efforts in the region, by creating synergies through CABEI´s financing activities to benefit larger scale projects in its beneficiary member countries.

    “As the principal source of multilateral funding in the region, and as the financial arm of the Central American integration, we are most pleased with the signing of this agreement which will greatly benefit our member countries, drawing on the noted success of MASHAV´s aid programs, and CABEI´s solid presence in the region”. Said Dr. Rischbieth.

    The agreement was subscribed by CABEI´s Executive President Dr. Nick Rischbieth and the Ambassador for the State of Israel in Washington DC, Mr. Ron Dermer.
    About CABEI
    With 53 years of existence, CABEI is the Development Bank for Central America.  It is the strategic partner and leading resources provider of the region, focused on improving the quality of life of Central Americans by promoting economic and social balanced development, regional integration and the sustainable use of its natural resources.

    Based in Tegucigalpa with offices in all Central America, CABEI was founded in 1960 by Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua and Costa Rica. Recently, the Bank also incorporated as extra-regional members: Mexico, Republic of China (Taiwan), Argentina, Colombia, Kingdom of Spain, Panama, Dominican Republic and Belize as a beneficiary non-founding country. 

    CABEI’s financial strength is recognized by grade A scale ratings recognized by four different international rating agencies: Standard & Poor´s with an A rating, Moody’s with an A2 rating, Fitch Ratings with an A rating and Japan Credit Rating (JCR) with an A+ rating.  

    About MASHAV
    MASHAV is the Hebrew acronym for Israel's Agency for International Development Cooperation.

    MASHAV is responsible for the design, coordination and implementation of the State of Israel’s development cooperation programs. As such, MASHAV is dedicated to providing developing countries with the best of Israel’s experience in development and planning.