five Rockets fired from Gaza During Obama's Visit

Five Rockets fired At Israel from Gaza

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    Kassam_Sderot Kassam_Sderot
    Photo: GPO

    ​At 7:15 this morning, Sderot woke up to the sound of the siren. A few seconds later, 2 rockets hit southern Israel. A total of 5 rockets were fired at Israel from the Gaza Strip today, one damaging a home in Sderot (photo) and one landing in an open field. Two rockets were believed to have landed in Palestinian territory, according to media reports. 

    Gaza militants from Fatah's Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades fired a rocket at Israel in February, breaking the three month truce since Operation Pillar of Defense. 

    6 rockets have been fired at Israel from Gaza in 2013. Hamas, that has controlled the Gaza Strip since 2007, has become a front line base for Iran, carrying out terror attacks and firing rockets at Israeli citizens.​