DepFM Ayalon addresses Ad Hoc Liaison Committee Sept 2012

DepFM Ayalon addresses Ad Hoc Liaison Committee

    Ayalon addressed the PA's support of terror, transfering funds donated by the international community to Gaza, which is controlled by the Hamas terror organization.
    Israel submitted to the committee an updated report on measures taken by Israel in support of developing the Palestinian economy and socio-economic structure.
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    Dep FM Ayalon with E.U. High Representative for Foreign Affairs Ashton Dep FM Ayalon with E.U. High Representative for Foreign Affairs Ashton Copyright: MFA
    Dep FM Ayalon with E.U. High Representative for Foreign Affairs Ashton (Photo: MFA)

    (Communicated by the Deputy Foreign Minister's Bureau)

    Deputy Foreign Minister Danny Ayalon on Sunday (September 23), at the United Nations, addressed the Ad Hoc Liaison Committee of donor countries to the Palestinian Authority. Ayalon addressed the PA's support of terror, transfering funds donated by the international community to Gaza, which is controlled by the Hamas terror organization. He also referred to the ongoing efforts by the PA to achieve a unilateral declaration of Palestinian statehood at the United Nations and the steps taken by Israel, despite this, to foster socio-economic stability in Palestinian society.

    Deputy FM Ayalon called on the international community and the leaders of the donor states to cease the transfer of funds to the Palestinian Authority, which are used to fund terrorists and their families. He also called for a halt to the transfer of international funds from the PA to Gaza, which threatens innocent Israelis and their children: "About 50% of the PA budget is directed to Gaza, which is controlled by Hamas terrorists," said Ayalon.

    Ayalon called upon the international community to do all in its power to force Hamas to accept the Quartet's three conditions: the renunciation of terrorism, the implementation of the Roadmap obligations and recognition of Israel's right to exist.

    Not only are the international funds being used to finance terror, the PA is taking advantage of these resources to avoid peace negotiations, adopting belligerent positions towards Israel and the peace process on the international arena and at the United Nations: "The Palestinian Authority, which cannot even collect municipal taxes, wishes to pose as a state. It is clear that the PA does not meet the minimum requirements of a state. It also fails to meet another requirement of the UN Charter - to be a peaceloving nation."

    Ayalon made is clear that if the PA persists in its antagonistic measures, Israel will be less inclined to continue to support the Palestinian economy: "Israel has done much this year to help the PA overcome the economic crisis, and has taken measures to stabilize and strengthen Palestinian society, but if it will continue to use this help to finance terror and to pursue unilateral action, this cooperation will be in jeopardy."

    Ayalon protested the Palestinian efforts to deliberately mislead the international community into funding projects in Area C which are subject to Israeli sovereignty, without coordination with Israel, with the clear aim of harming relations between Israel and those states. He expressed the hope that the Palestinian Authority will reconsider, cease financing terror and stop avoiding negotiations. "No foreign funds will help the PA in the absence of a viable political process," concluded Ayalon.
