Israeli Singer David Broza in DC

Israeli Singer David Broza in DC


    ​Israeli superstar David Broza will perform this tuesday at the Six&I synagogue in Washington. 

    Broza has been considered one of the most dynamic and vibrant performers in the singer/songwri​ter world. His charismatic and energetic performances have brought to worldwide audiences, a fusion of the three different countries in which he was raised: Israel, Spain, and England, filling concert halls with his famous guitar playing, ranging from flamenco flavored rhythmic and percussion techniques, to whirlwind finger picking, to a signature rock and roll sound. Broza unites the three worlds by utilizing his ability to take on the troubadour tradition, up to now, featuring lyrics of the worlds' greatest poets. 

    Date & Time:Tuesday, 01.21.2014, 19:00 - 22:00
    Place:Sixth & I Historic Synagogue: 600 I Street, NW. Washington, DC