DFM Ayalon meets with US Under Secretary David Cohen

Ayalon meets David Cohen

  •   DFM Ayalon meets with US Under Secretary David Cohen
    ​DFM Ayalon: We have reached a critical point in time that requires intensive and uncompromising action in the coming months
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    DFM Ayalon with Under Secretary Cohen (Photo: Gideon Markowitz) DFM Ayalon with Under Secretary Cohen (Photo: Gideon Markowitz)
    (Communicated by DFM Ayalon’s Bureau)
    Deputy Foreign Minister Danny Ayalon met today (Sunday, 3 June 2012) with his counterpart, David S. Cohen, Under Secretary for Terrorism and Financial Intelligence, U.S. Department of the Treasury, who is responsible for the US administration’s sanctions against Iran.
    The two discussed means of increasing sanctions against Iran in light of the Iranian refusal to comply with international demands to cease its nuclear armament program. They also discussed the recent uncovering of Iran’s active support of the atrocities perpetrated by the Syrian regime.
    DFM Ayalon emphasized that “Full implementation of the sanctions against the Central Bank of Iran and the oil embargo must be assured by 1 July 2012, the date these steps are due to go into effect.”
    Ayalon also emphasized the need to expand the international coalition to increase pressure on Iran. He added that a demand must be made of these nations to join the struggle, and not violate or weaken the international effort to halt the Iranian nuclear program.
    DFM Ayalon: “Israel and the United States are strategic partners in the struggle with Iran, which is an interest of the entire international community. We have reached a critical point in time that requires intensive and uncompromising action in the coming months.