Condolence Book for Eyal, Gilad and Naftali

Condolence Book for Eyal, Gilad and Naftali

    ​We were overwhelmed this week by support from friends and communities across the world as we all collectively grieve over the deaths of Eyal, Gil-ad and Naftali. The Embassy will have a condolence book for those who wish to leave a message in memory of the three teens.

    When: Thursday July 3 from 2-4:30 pm and Monday July 7 from 2-4:30 pm

    Where: 3514 International Dr. NW
    Washington, DC 20008
    **Please bring a government issued ID.

    For those unable to make it to the Embassy, we invite you to leave your condolences for their families in our virtual condolence book below.

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