Meet Team Israel Amit Zarouk

Meet Team Israel Amit Zarouk

  •   Amit Zarouk is perhaps the newest Diplomat at the Embassy, having arrived in his position as Minister-Counselor for Political Affairs just a few short months ago. Before serving in Washington, he served in Italy & Turkey.
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    Minister-Counselor for Political Affairs Amit Zarouk Minister-Counselor for Political Affairs Amit Zarouk Copyright: Embassy of Israel in the USA

    1. What do you do here at the Embassy?

     I am the Minister Counselor for Political Affairs. In my case it means that I deal with most parts of the world, mainly regarding the political relationship between the United States and that part of the world, including international organizations, and of course promoting Israeli interests in that context.

    2.How long have you been here at the Embassy?

     Two months.

    3. What does it take to be a good diplomat?

    I think first and foremost you have to have a good clue of the thing you are dealing with. In my case, I need to deal with a variety of issues and countries and people and leaders, and it is not easy always to cope with developments, so a diplomat should be prepared. Second, you need to identify the valuable contacts that can promote the interests that you should promote. If you are doing public diplomacy or other issues, you should know how to be interviewed, you should know how to speak to people, but you should be knowledgeable and eloquent. The main tool of diplomat is his mouth.

    4. What motivates you to make a difference?

    I joined the Foreign Service 14 years ago. When I joined the Service, I wanted to serve something bigger than myself. Without being motivated for the mission you have, you will not be able to do it well. What motivated me was to be part of a big apparatus that aims at improving or serving the interests of my country. This is rooted deep inside me and motivates me. ​