PM Netanyahu's remarks regarding Iran 11 November 2013

PM Netanyahu's remarks regarding Iran

  •    PM Netanyahu's remarks at the Knesset regarding Iran
    PM Netanyahu: “The time that was achieved over the weekend must be utilized to achieve a much better deal. The target date for this deal is – the date on which a good deal will be achieved that will deny Iran a military nuclear capability.”
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    PM Netanyahu addresses the Knesset PM Netanyahu addresses the Knesset Copyright: GPO/Kobi Gideon
    PM Netanyahu addressing the Knesset (GPO archive photo)

    ​(Communicated by the Prime Minister's Media Adviser)

    Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, this afternoon (Monday, 11 November 2013), made the following remarks at the Knesset:

    "Israel is united in opposition to the deal being offered to Iran. We are speaking in a clear and unequivocal voice. The time that was achieved over the weekend must be utilized to achieve a much better deal.
    The target date for this deal is – the date on which a good deal will be achieved that will deny Iran a military nuclear capability. This is important not just for Israel but for the entire world. We will continue to say this simple truth in a clear voice because this is what needs to be done. When it comes to things that are so essential and fateful for the future and security of Israel, and for the peace of the world, one must speak clearly and thus we are doing in order to prevent a bad deal."