Dor Shapira - Counselor for Congressional Affairs

Dor Shapira

  •   Counselor for Congressional Affairs
    ​Mr. Dor Shapira began his service as Counselor for Congressional Affairs in 2013. Prior to his posting in Washington, he served as Political Advisor to the Director General of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
    Mr. Shapira received a B.A. in Diplomacy & Government in the Lauder School of Government at the Interdisciplinary Center in 2003, and went on to earn an M.B.A. from Bar Ilan University in 2006. As he pursued his graduate degree, Mr. Shapira worked in the private sector and as the Projects Coordinator of The Jewish Agency’s P2K program, which partners Israeli communities with communities worldwide (2005-2006). Mr. Shapira began his formal career in public service in the Public Affairs Division of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Jerusalem (2006-2007), and subsequently served Israel abroad, as the Political Affairs and Embassy Spokesperson in the Embassy of Israel in Canberra, Australia (2007-2010).
    Mr. Shapira is fluent in Hebrew and English. He lives in Washington, D.C. with his wife and children.