Aviv Ezra - Counselor for Congressional Affairs

Aviv Ezra

  •   Counselor for Congressional Affairs
    Aviv Ezra serves as Counselor for Congressional Affairs at the Embassy of Israel in Washington D.C.
    Mr. Ezra was born in Israel in 1972. During his service in the Israel Defense Forces he achieved the rank of Captain. Following his military service, he received a B.A. in Economics and Political Science from Hebrew University in Jerusalem.
    After completing his education, Mr. Ezra worked for two years in the private sector. While in the private sector, Mr. Ezra worked in the financial and publishing sectors as the COO of a mid-scale publishing company. Mr. Ezra joined Israel's Ministry of Foreign Affairs in 1999. Upon completion of the Cadet Course, he served at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Middle Eastern economic division in Israel. From 2000 to 2002, he served as the Economic and Commercial Attaché in Cairo, Egypt. He also served as the Deputy Consul General, for the south eastern region of the U.S., at the Consulate General of Israel in Atlanta, Georgia, from 2002-2006.
    Prior to his current appointment, Mr. Ezra served as a policy advisor to the Director General of the Ministry of Affairs in Jerusalem.
    Mr. Ezra is married to Einat and has three children.
  • Contact Information

    Tel: (202)364-5568
    Fax: (202)364-5490