Zostań Panią Ambasador 2021

Finał konkursu dla dziewcząt

  • Irit Yakhnes i Julia Oleszyńska
    Podczas Międzynarodowego Dnia Dziewcząt miał miejsce finał projektu zainicjowanego przez Ambasadę Izraela. 

    Julia Oleszyńska, licealistka z Poznania, została szefową izraelskiej misji dyplomatycznej na jeden dzień.

    ​12 Ambasad połączyło siły, aby wesprzeć nastoletnie i dorastające dziewczęta w dążeniu do realizacji marzeń i zdobycia pierwszych doświadczeń w dyplomacji. 

    12 finalistek ogólnopolskiego konkursu dla uczennic "Zostań Panią Ambasador"​ otrzymała szansę poznania świata dyplomacji. 

    Celem projektu było zainspirowanie młodych dziewcząt do podejmowania postaw przywódczych, pokazanie świata bez barier oraz zachęcenie do podejmowania działań na rzecz międzynarodowego dialogu oraz wyzwań stojących przed współczesnym światem.

    11 października odbył się finał konkursu, skierowanego do uczennic ze szkół z całej Polski, w wieku 14- 17 lat. Zadanie konkursowe polegało na nadesłaniu eseju w języku polskim na temat: "Jeden głos może zmienić świat na lepsze". Swoje prace nadesłało 150 dziewcząt, z których kapituła konkursu wyłoniła 12 finalistek. Przez 12 miesięcy trwania programu uczestniczki wzięły udział w 8 spotkaniach oraz szkoleniach on-line prowadzonych przez Ambasadorów. 

    Zwyciężczynie konkursu miały też szansę, aby poznać z bliska świat dyplomacji. Podczas finału programu wcieliły się w rolę Pani Ambasador w jednej z Ambasad, które przystąpiły do projektu. Zwyciężczynie konkursu miały niepowtarzalną okazję, aby obserwować dyplomatów podczas ich codziennej pracy, co może stanowić dla nich źródło inspiracji do przyszłej aktywności w sferze publicznej oraz zainteresować wyborem ścieżki kariery zawodowej w międzynarodowym środowisku. 

    Do udziału w konkursie, w roli partnerów, przystąpiły Ambasady: Izraela, Litwy, Hiszpanii, Australii, Kanady,Irlandii, Szwajcarii, Korei Południowej, Belgii, Niemiec, Wielkiej Brytanii, USA.

    Organizatorami programu były Fundacja im. Leopoldy Wild oraz Ambasada Izraela. 
  • Przemówienie Chargé d’affaires a.i. Irit Yakhnes

    ​Podczas wydarzenia podsumowującego projekt Chargé d’affaires a.i. Izraela w Polsce Irit Yakhnes wygłosiła przemówienie do uczestniczek projektu.

    Speech for the conculsion of the “Ambassador for a Day” project
    Warsaw, 11 October 2021
    Chargé d’affaires a.i. of Israel in Poland Ms. Irit Yakhnes

    Ladies and gentlemen, Dear and distinguished guest, and most importantly – Dear girls

    I am very excited to be here today, and I appreciate all of you sticking it through with us up until this point.

    Since 2012, October 11th has been marked as the International Day of the Girl. 
    This day aims to highlight and address the needs and challenges girls face, while promoting girl empowerment and the fulfillment of their human rights.

    When we started the project UNICEF annual campaign was themed “My voice, Our equal future”.
    We should all support the voices of young girls and stand up for their rights. It is an opportunity for us all to work together for a better world, inspired by adolescent girls, and invest in our future.
    This year’s theme is “Digital generation”- so I think we are right on point. Due to COVID-19 we needed to take this project digitally, it actually gave the girls additional opportunities to meet some of you and other special speakers.

    As adolescent girls worldwide assert their power as change-makers, International Day of the Girl focuses, among others, on acquiring new skills towards their future, and on them taking leadership roles as a generation of activists, influencing social change.

    On this day, each year, girls from all over the world step into leading roles in media, entertainment, business and politics for a day, to demand equal power, freedom and representation for girls and young women –so we thought, why not in Diplomacy? 

    Today and every day, let us join in celebrating girls everywhere as they inspire, break boundaries and take charge of their own future. Girls are proving they are unstoppable and we should support them in every way possible. 

    I believe that supporting young girls and women is not a gender issue it is a human one.

    Since its establishment, Israel has been dedicated to the empowerment of girls and women and equality. My country was founded and build by man and women alike. 
    For years, Israeli women have been leaders in diplomacy, politics, law, science, medicine, and culture.  Israel, through its embassies around the world, has supported the UN initiatives for girls and women since its very beginning. While Israel, like many societies, continues to face challenges related to gender equality, significant progress has been made in recent years towards this important goal, including our new government, which has the largest number of women ministers. 

    Israel has 9 female ministers, 9 director generals of governmental offices, 6 of Israel’s leading hospitals are directed by women, the head of our Public Health Services, head of the supreme court, head of Correctional Services, head of Securities Authority-  are all women. And let us all not forget the essentials in life, as we learned last week-  both Facebook and Wolt in Israel are run by? You guessed it right- women.
    If I am honest I am a waiting for the day we would not have to talk about numbers, it will be a given and equal. 

    Israel, as a member of the global community attributes great importance to the UN Agenda 2030 and its 17 Sustainable Development Goals, SDG’s. When designing any policy towards achieving one of the SDGs, human rights should be on the table from the start.
    The vision of building a society which mends the world –what we call in Hebrew Tikun Olam – and which leaves no one behind, has ancient roots in our tradition.
    Goal number 5 of the SDG’s focuses on Gender EQUALITY- in accordance  with that agenda, our team here in the embassy believes that one of our most important thing is to initiate and support projects that give girls opportunities for self development and help in their ability to be leaders in their communities. We will continue to seek the involvement of our international and local partners to help achieve full and real equality for girls in Israel, Poland and around the world.

    I am not a religious person but I greatly appreciate and cherish the Jewish tradition.
    We the Jewish women today, we are the offspring of a long and glorious lineage of women, thousands of years back, whether it be our 4 matriarchs,  women prophets, queens, survivors, warriors.  every week, at our Shabbat dinner, a special pome that testifies to the greatness and importance of women is been read. When you live with such a rich heritage - you really don’t a have choice but to celebrate girls and women.

    After all that have been said, I would like to address this part to the wonderful young women we all gathered her for today. Ladies, during your life you will get many advices, so please allow me to put in my 5 cents.  

    Let’s start with the one you already learned but it is very important:
    Speak up, use your voice, and make sure you are heard- 
    If we take the word history we will see that it is “his” story- make your own story. 
    Be the leading character in your own life’s story.
    Second one- Take a seat at the tables, if there isn’t one for you, pull up a chair. 
    This is actually a direct continuation of the previous one.
    The table is of course a metaphor for the places and intersections in your life where decisions will be made.
    Be a part of those who shapes the world around you, of the decision makers, make sure that your opinion at the table will be heard and you will have an influence on the things that are important to you.
    Reach out for a handshake, and introduce yourself in your full name - it symbolizes who you are, where you came from and you should be proud of it. Never forget where you come from, if you loss that you wouldn’t know where you are going. 

    Be a girls girl or a woman of women- Whether you have heard it before or you will hear it in the future, some will say that women are not so good at supporting each other - prove them wrong.
    Be your own biggest cheerleader but it does not mean you can’t help, support, and cheer for other women and their success. 
    It will not take anything away from you, but it can make a difference for someone else. We are stronger together. 

    And last but not least- Know your worth
    You are worth more than you will ever be able to imagine, more than any price tag on a garment you choose, more than any grade or diploma you receive, more than any number that appears on your scale, and more than any amount listed in contract you sign.
    Only you will determine your true value! And let me tell you a secret - You are priceless! 
    You should not strive to be better than anyone else - you should be the best version of yourself. If You want to be in competition with someone, Be in competition with yourself.

    And now please allow me to lead by example- the project maybe started in my heart and head but it couldn’t have been accomplished without all of you.  
    but most importantly,  without 3 amazing women that joined me on this journey, that was a bit longer then we planned for this addition, but it was worth it- Aleks, Gosia and Marta- Thank you form the bottom of my heart for all your hard work, support and friendship.

    Thank you all.