Israel bei UNOOSA

Die israelische Delegation bei COPUOS


    Diese Woche tagt bei den Vereinten Nationen in Wien das Scientific and Technical Subcommittee​ of the Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space (COPUOS). Auch die Vertreter der israelischen Delegation ergriffen das Wort und nahmen aktiv an der Konferenz teil. Hier die Stellungnahme (auf Englisch):

    Statement by Israel

    The 54th session of the Scientific and Technical Subcommittee

    07 February 2017

    Chair: Madam C. Kukai

    Thank you, Madam Chair for giving me the floor.

    First, I would like to congratulate you, Madam Chair, for assuming chairmanship of the Scientific and Technical Sub-Committee, and take this pleasant opportunity to congratulate New Zealand for joining COPUOS as a Member State.

    I'm pleased and honored to join the second week of the 54th STSC meeting after participating in the 6th "Space Week" and the 12th Ilan Ramon International Space Conference held during the last days.

    Madam Chair, distinguished delegates,

    The "Space Week" celebrated in Israel included spread simultaneous educational events, open for the public in all ages and education levels, with participation of astronauts and world leaders of the international space community. 

    The Ilan Ramon International Space Conference is a living memory of Israel’s first astronaut, the Late Ilan Ramon, and his friends, the crew members of STS-107 space mission and is held annually in February 1st, the date of the tragic accident.


    The Ilan Ramon Conference provides an open forum for the national and international space community to engage in informative discussions about current technologies, programs and more, accompanied by an exhibition of aerospace companies, and attracts influential figures from around the globe - astronauts, scientists, space engineers, policy makers, leading space commanders, heads of Space Agencies and International organizations, visionary entrepreneurs and young students.


    This years’ conference theme was “Bringing space down to Earth”, and it addressed a variety of topics and issues such as space exploration, space policy and security, space sustainability, remote sensing for various applications, and more. 

    Adjacent to the conference we held 3 workshops:

    Workshop on EO applications for the Mediterranean Sea. 

    Special workshop on space sustainability at the era of small satellites and constellations, addressed the issues of: Space situational awareness; threats to space assets; regulatory solutions; the challenges of large constellations and swarms of satellites.

    Space Generation workshop dealt with "Big Data" handling.


    During the years, the Ilan Ramon International Space Conference earned a worldwide reputation, and it is an important date in the calendars of world space leaders.


    In this regard, allow me to express our deep gratitude for the Director of UNOOSA, Prof. Simonetta Di Pippo who couldn't make it this year as the STSC meeting and Ilan Ramon Conference started at the same date. The Director of UNOOSA recorded greetings that had been shown during the opening ceremony and were accompanied by loud and prolonged applause from the audience.

    Madam Chair,

    While concluding the main activities of 2016, it is the time to mention:

    Participation in international events like ILA 2016, Toulouse Space Show, the 67th IAC in Guadalajara, Mexico, and the UN meetings including the High Level Forum of UNISPACE 50: Space as a Driver for Socio-Economic Sustainable Development on last November and we would like to thank all the organizers.

    The retirement of ISA director, Mr. Menachem Kidron and the appointment of Mr. Avi Blasberger.

    Investments in innovative R&D in topics like:

      o Software based navigation receiver with innovative RF system.

      o New compressing concept for cooling systeMadam

      o Flexible solar panel.

      o Integrated communication terminal in ka band.

      o Communication management of satellites swarms

      o New technology for increased data transfer throughput of communication satellites.

      o Camera guided satellites docking system.

      o Multiple cores chip for parallel processing.

    Progress in bilateral  and multilateral activities and selection of new topics for collaboration:

      o ASI:

        - Development of high precision oscillator for the 3GM mission, part of JUICE project.

      o CNES:

        - Final tests of the integrated Venµs satellite.

        - Start of selection process of the next space mission after the launch of Venµs satellite.

       - THERME–ORMAD experiment for thermal and radiation influence on coatings.

      o DLR:

       - Short listing of candidate R&D projects. 

       - Intention for testing on the ORION mission an advanced radiation protection for manned missions in collaboration with NASA.

      o ESA: ongoing discussions on selection of new joint scientific and technological R&D activities.

       - Development of Micro Electrical Propulsion System - MEPS for Micro Satellites.

      o ISRO: Establishment of JWG for projects selection.

      o NASA: Joining the NASA International Internships Program.

    The SpaceIL Project, the first Israeli moon lander, under the auspices of the Google Lunar XPrize is now among the 5 approved remaining candidates from 33 groups.

    3 Space start-up companies ranked among the top global innovative companies.

    Hosting of Space Studies Program (SSP) of the International Space University (ISU) in the Technion, Haifa.

    Amos-6 was a 5.5-tonne Israeli Earth communications satellite, one of the Spacecom AMOS series, that was built by Israel Aerospace Industries (IAI). Amos-6 was intended to be launched on Flight 29 of a SpaceX Falcon 9 to geosynchronous transfer orbit on  September 3rd,2016. However, on 1 September 2016, during the run-up to a static fire test, there was an anomaly on the launch pad resulting in a fire and the loss of the vehicle and its payload, Amos-6. There were no casualties.

    For this year, I wish to highlight our following plans:

    Launch of the VENµS satellite, this summer, from French Guiana, a technological demonstrator for electric propulsion and scientific mission of vegetation and environment monitoring in collaboration with CNES.

    Start the B1 phase of the SHALOM project, an ASI – ISA advanced Hyperspectral EO mission.

    Develop an advanced digital communication payload in collaboration with the CSA.

    This year we schedule several nanosat launches: 

      o This month, two Nano satellites will be launched on an Indian launcher: one of Ben-Gurion University named BGUSAT for weather phenomena research, while the other is the first launch of a startup company called Space Pharma which developed laboratory for end to end microgravity services and solutions. 

      o In addition, on the same launch there will be a satellite built by a European consortium which includes a substantial part of an Israeli start-up NSL.

      o Few months later, launch of High school student nanosat as part of the European QB50 programme.

      o Towards the end of the year: Asher space research institutes of the Technicon will launch three Nano satellites for formation flight research.

    In the last 53rd STSC, Space Pharma Startup Company had presented its initiative. This successful participation lead to a fruitful participation in the United Nations/Costa Rica Workshop on Human Space Technology

    - This is the time to convey the gratitude of the company to the organizers for these productive opportunities.

    Israel will remain steadfast in its commitment to deepen and enhance the collaboration with COPUOS and UNOOSA and will act for the success of the organizations and the upcoming UNISPACE + 50. 

    We will continue to encourage initiatives to promote innovation in areas which will benefit and improve the quality of our lives, and the sustainability of our shared planet.

    Madam Chair,

    We wish us all a fruitful and productive session, and we extend our best wishes to Australia in hosting the 68th IAC in Adelaide.    

    Thank you.

    (es gilt das gesprochene Wort)