danon statement sc nakba day

The facts and the footage do not lie

    Amb. Danon addresses the Security Council ​
    ​Thank you, Madam President.

    I will begin today by sharing the facts.

    For the past month, Israel has faced violent riots at the security fence with the Gaza Strip. These were not demonstrations. Not protests. Violent riots. 

    Rioters have thrown Molotov cocktails, planted explosive devices and rolled burning tires. They have sent flaming materials over the fence, igniting widespread fires on Israel’s southern agricultural lands. They have repeatedly attempted to forcibly breach the fence and infiltrate Israeli territory with the explicit goal of killing Israelis. 

    Hamas, the internationally recognized terrorist organization has taken the people of Gaza hostage. 

    This past Friday, a Hamas-led mob set fire to the Kerem Shalom border crossing terminal and destroyed large parts of it. This crossing is a major entry point for outside goods to enter Gaza. The damage set gas lines and electricity infrastructure on fire and will cost millions of dollars to repair. 

    But Hamas doesn’t care. It values destruction over prosperity, death over peace. 

    Israel has known this fact for a long time. We were reminded of it just last week when the IDF found and destroyed the ninth Hamas terror tunnel since last October. This tunnel started in Gaza, running alongside the Erez pedestrian crossing and ending just meters from a village inside Israel. Its goal was terror – to kill and kidnap Jews in the surrounding Israeli towns.

    Hamas lives on death – but not just the death of Israeli civilians. As we have reported time and again, Hamas is guilty of exploiting the innocent people of Gaza as human shields. Hamas terrorists hide behind these innocents – often young children – and place them directly in the line of fire. 

    The facts and the footage do not lie. 

    Hamas is committing grave violations of international law. Its terrorists continue to hide behind innocent children to ensure their own survival while its leaders incite the people of Gaza to violence. Yahya al-Sinwar, the head of Hamas in Gaza, recently said to a group of Palestinian youth, and I quote: “We favor assassination over a natural death and are always willing to sacrifice our lives.”

    A few days ago, a Hamas member who was captured after attempting to cross into Israel provided critical insight into Hamas’ plot. 

    I will reveal some of what we have learned:

    One: Hamas is instructing its activists to cut the fence and steal Israel’s security cameras in order to sabotage and topple the fence and disrupt IDF activity.

    Two: Hamas wants the riots it is instigating to be seen in the international media as a popular uprising, not as violent action led by its militants.

    And three, most importantly: Hamas terrorists are hiding behind civilians during the riots. However, if the fence is breached, heavily-armed Hamas terrorists will enter Israeli territory under cover of the mob to carry out attacks on Israeli civilians.

    Those are the facts.

    When it comes to the mob rushing the fence, too many in the international community never miss an opportunity to legitimize the Palestinian voice of violence. But when it comes to the safety of the Israeli public – too often the world is silent. 

    This is one of the Palestinian leadership’s most cherished tactics. Their cycle of death works like this:

    1. They incite people to violence  
    2. Then they place as many civilians as possible – including women and children –         in the line of fire to maximize civilian casualties 
    3. Then they blame Israel
    4. And then they come here to complain to the UN

    This is the deadly game the Palestinians play – and they play it at the expense of innocent children. Once again, the Palestinian leadership is using every ounce of its energy to attack us and to attempt to destroy us. 

    One of the players of this game is sitting right across the room. Mr. Mansour…he left, just like Abbas, who came and left the room. Mr. Mansour and his friends are guilty of placing young Palestinian children in harm’s way. They are guilty of exploiting them for its disgraceful public relations game.

    We predicted this situation many months ago because the Palestinians always employ the same strategy of manipulation. Every time the Palestinians have an opportunity to change the course of history – to partner with us on the path of peace – they always choose violence. They never fail to miss that golden opportunity to build a better future for their children and for ours. 

    But the Palestinian leaders are not the only participants in this scheme. Some in the international community are playing into their hands. They are falling into this trap, giving the Palestinians the attention they seek, and they are legitimizing Palestinian lies and violence. 

    Israel has witnessed this pattern over and over again since our earliest days.

    In 1947, we watched the Palestinians miss their first opportunity. The United Nations proposed the creation of both a Jewish state and an Arab state in the Land of Israel. The Jews were given just a portion of our historic homeland. Yet, we accepted it. 

    But the Arabs said no. The Palestinians could not bear the thought of sharing what was our land to begin with. So they launched a war upon us.

    Israel ultimately won that battle. But Palestinian lies and violence did not relent. And too many in the international community let them get away with it. They falsely equated Zionism with racism. They saluted the Palestinian cause while Israelis were murdered, kidnapped and forgotten. They sided with Palestinian killers, often with no questions asked.

    Fast forward to 2005 – you forgot about it. Israel disengaged from Gaza. We left completely. No Jewish communities – you call it a settlement; occupation – we took out the Jewish communities. We even removed the bodies we had buried. No IDF; no checkpoints; no civilians; nothing. We left.

    Gaza could have become a Palestinian success story – maybe the Singapore of the Middle East. It had potential. But Gaza could not reach its potential because Hamas took over in 2006. Instead of investing in education, infrastructure and the economy, Hamas lives and breathes death and destruction. Hamas spends all of its energy and resources terrorizing Israel, and exploits the population of Gaza to meet that end.

    Madam President,

    Let me be very clear today:

    When the Palestinians say “days of rage,” they mean “days of terrorism.”

    When the Palestinians say “right of return,” they mean “destruction of Israel.”

    And when the Palestinians say “peaceful protest,” they mean “incitement and violence.”

    When the Security Council holds this meeting, and all other meetings to discuss terrorism against Israel, it does nothing but provide a platform for the Palestinian leadership to deflect from its own failures by attacking Israel. That is what is happening today.

    The common denominator throughout our history has been the following: the international community – with a few brave exceptions – does nothing to stop the Palestinians from trying to terrorize Israel on the world stage.

    But the fact is that whoever supports the Palestinian ploy becomes a player in the cycle of death. 

    Only by breaking this cycle of orchestrated riots, planned casualties and pleas for UN sympathy will justice truly be served.

    Madam President,

    Israel is marking two major milestones. 

    We are celebrating seventy years since the Jewish people re-established our sovereignty and independence by founding the State of Israel in the Land of Israel. 

    And we are welcoming with gratitude President Trump’s decision to move the US Embassy to Jerusalem, our ancient and eternal capital. This was a step for peace because in any peace agreement Jerusalem will be Israel’s capital. 

    Everyone who claims the decision to move the US embassy is the reason or the justification for Palestinian violence should take another look at history. This is an excuse, not a reason for violence against Israel.

    If this body truly seeks to uphold security, justice and truth, then it will stop right here and now, condemn this terror and reaffirm Israel’s right to defend itself.

    Madam President,

    The Security Council must set the standard of behavior. You must tell Hamas that violence is not the answer. You must ask yourselves:

    What would you do – what would you do, each one of you – if a violent mob of tens of thousands was threatening to cross your sovereign borders to attack your people?

    What would you do if your people were faced with terror attacks day in and day out?

    You must not give in to the cycle of death that the Palestinians have created. You must call out lies when you see them, condemn Hamas’ violence, and place yourselves on the side of truth and the right side of history.

    Thank you Madam President.