Special Session of the General Assembly on the World Drug Problem

Addressing the World Drug Problem

  •   Israel's Counsellor on Human Rights spoke at the UN on the pressing subject
    ​​Mr. Chairperson,


    Franklin D. Roosevelt once said: “We must try to construct a more inclusive society. We are going to make a country in which no one is left out.”


    In the spirit of President Roosevelt, the State of Israel’s efforts to cope with the scourge of drugs are led and coordinated by the Israel Anti-Drug Authority. Our multi-disciplinary approach covers areas such as prevention, treatment and law enforcement. This ensures a comprehensive and balanced approach that tries to ensure that nobody is left out.


    Programs are tailored to address differences in gender, age, cultural and religious background, in order to ensure accessibility to all, with an approach that respects human rights and warrants human dignity.


    Particular emphasis is placed on programs addressing vulnerable populations, among them, a unique program for women that caters to their specific needs. Special focus is also placed on treatment for youth.  


    Finding accessible and adequate solutions for all victims of drugs is imperative, and the State of Israel offers a range treatment services, including methadone and subotex programs and needle exchange programs. The latter successfully contributed to halving the number of cases of HIV/AIDS among injecting drug users.


    The State of Israel recognizes the importance of scientific evidence-based policies and interventions, and this was one of the key reasons leading to the establishment of the Israel National Monitoring Center on Drugs and Alcohol. Last year, an MOU was signed with the European Monitoring Center on Drugs and Drug Addiction, promoting further support and cooperation.


    In recent years, we have been enhancing involvement and cooperation with the international community, in particular with the UNODC. Last June, an MOU was signed that furthers cooperation between UNODC and Israel in countering drugs and crime.


    Israel was also actively involved in promoting two resolutions in the CND in recent years.  I am proud to report that just last month an Israeli resolution passed unanimously in the CND for the first time. These resolutions focused on the availability and access to treatment for children and youth affected by substance abuse.


    Finally, further recognizing the importance of sharing best practices and exchanging expertise with the international community, the State of Israel hosts a unique training course for professionals – from government and non-governmental organizations in developing countries – involved in all areas related to alcohol and drugs. Over the past three years, the UNODC has become a key partner in this project and we expect this partnership to continue to grow.


    The State of Israel continues to strive towards implementing the goals and targets set out in the Political Declaration and Plan of Action adopted during the high level segment of the fifty second session of the CND. We trust that UNGASS 2016 will serve as a platform for us to review the positive milestones the international community has achieved, while serving as a map for our collective way forward. 


    Thank you.​