Autonomy, Independent Living and Healthcare

Autonomy, Independent Living & Healthcare

  •   Working Committee on Ageing

    ​Statement by Israel Adviser Yoni Ish-Hurwitz

    Thank you, Madame moderator.
    As this is the first time that my delegation has taken the floor, allow me to congratulate our chairperson on his election as the Chair of the Open-Ended Working Group on Ageing.
    I would also like to thank the panelists for joining us today and making very interesting presentations for us to reflect on. I would like to share with you Israel's experience now.
    In recent years, the Government of Israel has passed several decisions emphasizing the need to integrate older persons into society, to prevent age discrimination, and to empower older persons to participate in the decision-making process at the local level.
    Some of these measures were taken following the establishment of the Ministry for Senior Citizens, which works to integrate older persons in all aspects of society, recognizing the meaningful contribution that older persons make to society.
    My government’s policies are particularly focused on the theme of the panel this morning. Our policy empowers older persons in Israel to remain in their homes and in their communities for as long as possible. To this end, the Israeli Government provides community services, offers several housing programs, and administers several other programs to supplement the special needs of older persons living in poverty.
    The State of Israel’s commitment to address the needs of older persons is reflected in a comprehensive set of laws. These include the provision of medical treatment, medication and hospitalization free of charge or for a negligible fee, as well as social care, a minimum pension, and support programs, such as social clubs and supportive communities.
    Finally, I would like to highlight the role of NGOs and the private sector in complementing government in the direct delivery of long-term care services, as also noted in the Secretary-General report.