Ambassador Prosor - Enough is Enough

Amb. Prosor: "Enough is Enough"

    Statement By Ambassador Ron Prosor Following the Security Council Briefing on The Situation in The Middle East: “Enough Is Enough”

    Every day we are overwhelmed by stories of terrorism – 49 people taken hostage in a Turkish consulate; 40 Indian construction workers kidnapped in northern Iraq, hundreds of girls kidnapped from their school in northern Nigeria, and the list goes on and on. 

    It is time for the international community to loudly and clearly say that ‘enough is enough.’  Nations cannot allow their children and citizens to fall victim to the epidemic of terrorism that threatens to overwhelm entire nations. 

    In the past two weeks alone, Israeli citizens came under attack from three fronts. In the north, a missiles fired from Syria killed a 13-year-old Israeli boy.  In Judea and Samaria, three teenagers were abducted by Hamas terrorists.  In the south, rockets continue to be fired from the Gaza Strip.

    Hamas has had a long history of terrorist attacks against Israeli civilians, but this did not stop some members of the international community from celebrating the formation of a Fatah-Hamas unity government. The international community must remove the rose colored glasses and recognize that the unity deal is bad for peace, bad for the Palestinians, and bad for the Middle East.

    Some nations behave as if Israel should roll out the welcome mat for Hamas.  Israel will not allow this terrorist group to trample on its citizens.  Israelis are acting in self-defence to defend our nation from the terrorist networks that surround us.  It is time for the rest of the international community to decide if it takes a moral stand against terrorism or it surrenders to its threats.