letter danon to sg 150118

Amb. Danon letter to the Secretary General


    I am writing to you to express our deep concern regarding the hateful statements made yesterday by Mahmoud Abbas, the Chairman of the Palestinian Authority. Speaking yesterday at the opening of the Palestine Liberation Organization's Central Committee in Ramallah, Chairman Abbas recited a series of declaration that are not only factually incorrect, but also seek to delegitimize the very existence of the State of Israel.

    Among the many bile fabrications in his address, Chairman Abbas repeated the lie that the reestablishment of the nation-state of the Jewish people in our historic homeland is "a colonial project that has nothing to do with Judaism." Chairman Abbas also accused European powers of "moving Jews from Europe to the Middle East" as part of a plan to further their economic interests. 

    These statements sadly remind us of the racist words of the worst regime of the previous century.

    In addition to spreading malicious falsehoods about Israel and the proud heritage of our people and our land, the Chairman reiterated his  unwillingness to halt the Palestinian Authority's monthly payments to terrorists who have been convicted of murdering Israelis, thus pledging to continue their policy of glorifying and encouraging terror.

    We remain committed to direct negotiations in the hope of forging a better future for Israelis and Palestinians. It is unfortunate that, with his latest statements, Chairman Abbas has yet again responded negatively to serious initiatives for dialogue by Israel, the United State and other members of the international community.

    The hateful words of the Chairman of the Palestinian Authority, which seem to question the very right of a United Nations member-state to exist, are completely unacceptable and must be unequivocally​ condemned.

    Allow me, Excellency, to renew to you the assurances of my highest consideration.


    Danny Danon
    Permanent Representative