Today, on the eve of Shabbat, a Palestinian man shot two 25 year
old Israeli civilians at close range, killing one of them. The terrorist
attracted the attention of his victims by asking for their assistance. When
they approached to help him, the terrorist pulled a gun out of his bag and shot
the two in cold blood. This terrorist took advantage of the compassion of these
young men to commit this heinous crime.
This act is another in a chain of incidents
in the ongoing Palestinian violence in the West Bank. These violent acts are
ignited by the constant incitement by the Palestinian Leadership. Instead of
leading their people towards peace, these leaders are leading the whole area
into instability.
During this period of Ramadan, Israel has taken steps to
reduce tensions, removing restrictions in order to allow Palestinians to
celebrate, and enjoy maximum freedom of movement for the holiday prayers. The
international community should insist that the Palestinians prevent violence,
and refrain from inciting emotions during this sensitive period.
The UN should change the regular
so-called balance response that is calling on both sides to show
restraint. Only one side is responsible
for this heinous murder. I call on the Secretary General and the Security
Council to condemn this act of terror unequivocally.
should be grateful if you would have this letter distributed as an official
document of the Security Council. I wish to inform you that an identical letter has been sent to H.E. Mr. Ban Ki-moon, Secretary-General
of the United Nations.
Please accept, Excellency, the assurance of my
highest consideration.
Yours truly,
Ron Prosor