Letter by Ambassador Danon on latest terror attacks

Amb. Danon on latest terror attacks in Israel

  •   "A wave of terror continues to spread across the nation and it spares no one – babies, children, men and women are being targeted every day. "
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    Terror attack in Israel Terror attack in Israel Copyright: GPO / Amos Ben Gershom

    Today Israel has awoken to yet another morning of terror. Over the course of merely two hours, four terror attacks were carried out against Israeli citizens, claiming the lives of three and injuring dozens.

    I am writing to you because a wave of terror continues to spread across the nation and it spares no one – babies, children, men and women are being targeted every day. Israelis do not feel safe walking down the street, they avoid taking the bus to work, and they fear for the lives of their children every time they walk out the door. This reign of terror must stop.

    Just this morning, two separate attacks hit the city of Jerusalem: Two Israeli citizens were killed and 15 were wounded, several seriously, in a combined shooting and stabbing attack on a bus. In a separate attack in Jerusalem, one person was killed and another wounded after a Palestinian terrorist rammed into a crowd with his car, and then stepped out and attempted to stab the wounded with a butcher knife. In the city of Ra’anana, a man was stabbed by a 22 year old Palestinian terrorist while standing at a bus stop. Soon after, a Palestinian man attacked and injured four people outside the city’s hospital.

    On Monday, in a particularly shocking and horrific attack, two Palestinian teenagers, one of them merely 13 years old, stabbed a 13 year old boy riding his bicycle and an Israeli man who was walking down the street. This was just one of the four attacks that took place on that day alone, three of which were carried out by minors.

    These are just a few examples of the 12 horrendous terror attacks that took place in the past 72 hours alone. Over the course of this month, 24 attacks against Israelis claimed the lives of 8 and injured 41 people. A complete list of the attacks is attached in the Appendix to this letter.   

    Such acts of pitiless slaughter do not occur in a vacuum, rather they are a product of a deliberate policy of incitement directed to inflame Palestinian children’s minds with hate. It is therefore no surprise that most of the attackers in recent events are young Palestinians; Palestinian publications on social media call on Palestinian youth to stab Jews and applaud violent acts like the murder of Eitam and Na’ama Henkin, who were murdered by Palestinian terrorists in a shooting attack on their vehicle. Their four children were in the vehicle at the time of the attack and watched their parents die in front of their eyes.

    This incitement is also a result of the propagation of false allegations against Israel, in particular regarding the status quo on the Temple Mount. Some elements are deliberately taking advantage of the sanctity and sensitivity of this holy site to incite violence. As Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu has clearly stated time and again – Israel is fully committed to maintaining the status quo on the Temple Mount.

    This string of attacks is a direct result of Palestinian incitement. I call on you to make a clear and unequivocal statement against incitement before it leads to further loss of lives. Only the cessation of the incitement will alleviate this dangerous situation and bring calm and security to the region.

    I should be grateful if you would have this letter distributed as an official document of the Security Council. I wish to inform you that an identical letter has been sent to H.E. Mr. Ban Ki-moon, Secretary-General of the United Nations.

    Please accept, Excellency, the assurance of my highest consideration. "