Dangerous and destabilizing behavior of Hezbollah in Southern Lebanon

Dangerous and destabilizing behavior of Hezbollah

  •   Hezbollah is committing a double war crime, endangering the lives of both Lebanese and Israeli civilians.
    Amb. Prosor sent a letter to the Secratery General and the UN Security Council regarding the dangerous & destabilizing behavior of Hezbollah in Southern Lebanon:

    27 May 2015




    In the past year, I have sent numerous letters alerting the Security Council to the dangerous and destabilizing behavior of Hezbollah in Southern Lebanon. Every day, new evidence emerges that Hezbollah, an internationally recognized terrorist group, is using dozens of villages in Southern Lebanon as military staging grounds, civilian centers as weapons depots, and its people as human shields.


    In the Shiite village of Muhaybib there are only 90 houses, but there are 9 arms depots, 5 rocket-launching sites, signs for 3 underground tunnels, 4 infantry positions, 3 antitank positions and a command post- all put there by Hezbollah. The village of Chaqra is home to 4,000 people, and 400 military sites installed by Hezbollah.


    On May 22, the Lebanese newspaper As-Safir published an elaborate report on Hezbollah, documenting the organization’s extensive military infrastructure in Southern Lebanon. The report revealed Hezbollah’s varied methods for bypassing Security Council Resolution 1701 in order to upgrade its military capabilities. On a May 25th rally, Hezbollah publically displayed military armaments in Nabatiyeh, Southern Lebanon, in another brazen violation of the Resolution.


    Hezbollah has amassed over 100,000 missiles and rockets in a blatant violation of Security Council Resolution 1701. The presence of these missiles has been lately confirmed by Senior Military Advisor to Iran's Supreme Leader, Yahya Rahim Safavi who clearly stated “The Zionists are well aware of the capabilities of Iran and Hezbollah. Hezbollah has 80,000 missiles aimed towards Tel Aviv and Haifa”.


    By embedding its military infrastructure among the civilian population, and pointing its weapons at Israeli cities and towns, Hezbollah is committing a double war crime, endangering the lives of both Lebanese and Israeli civilians.


    Hezbollah’s intentions are clear. Its leaders openly boast that these missiles can target any point in Israel. The threats are very real and the danger is imminent.


    Israel holds the government of Lebanon responsible for any attack originating from its territory, and reserves the right to exercise its right to self-defense, and take all necessary measures to protect its population.


    This Council has ignored its obligations for far too long. Hezbollah must be publically and unequivocally condemned. I urge the Security Council to demand that Lebanon abide by its international commitments to fully implement Security Council resolution 1701. Hezbollah must be disarmed.


    I should be grateful if you would have this letter distributed as an official document of the Security Council. I wish to inform you that an identical letter has been sent to H.E. Mr. Ban Ki-moon, Secretary-General of the United Nations.  


    Allow me, Excellency, to renew to you the assurances of my highest consideration.


    Yours truly,


    Ron Prosor


    Permanent Representative



    H.E. Ms. Raimonda Murmokaitė

    President of the Security Council

    United Nations

    New York