Amb. Prosor to SG re Ayala Shapira

Amb. Prosor to Secretary-General re Ayala Shapira

      10 February 2015





    On 25 December 2014, Palestinian terrorists threw a firebomb at a car carrying 11 year-old Ayala Shapira.  Flames engulfed the car and Ayala suffered third-degree burns to her face and upper body.  Seven weeks later, Ayala is still hospitalized in critical condition and her doctors expect her to face a long and tremendously painful recovery.


    Enclosed, please find a letter from hundreds of Ayala’s schoolmates asking that you condemn the 25 December terrorist attack. The young girls who wrote and signed this letter attend the same school as Ayala, travel on the same roads, and hike the same hills.  They know that the firebomb could just as easily have been thrown at any one of them. 


    These children are looking to the United Nations to demonstrate leadership and act on its moral convictions. The UN was founded to give voice to the victims of brutality and terror; Ayala is now one of these victims and it is the UN’s duty to condemn the heinous attack. 


    Excellency, you have dedicated yourself to standing in defense of the defenseless and giving voice to the voiceless.  I ask you to be a beacon of moral clarity by loudly and clearly condemning the attack against Ayala and sending the message that terrorism is intolerable.


    Please accept, Excellency, the assurance of my highest consideration.


    Yours truly,




    Ron Prosor


    Permanent Representative



    H.E. Mr. Ban Ki-moon


    United Nations

    New York
