The role of diamonds in fuelling conflict

Diamonds Fuelling Conflict

  •   The role of diamonds in fuelling conflict
    Statement by,
    Ambassador Meron Reuben
    Madame President,
    On behalf of all co-sponsors, I wish to thank the delegations that supported the adoption of this resolution, entitled “The role of diamonds in fuelling conflict: breaking the link between the illicit transaction of rough diamonds and armed conflict as a contribution to the prevention and settlement of conflicts.”

    We deeply regret the use of this forum by certain states to politicize a process that has nothing to do with the draft resolution and the noble goals of the Kimberley ‘process.

    The range of co-sponsors and supporters of this resolution –– from developing countries to developed, both North and South, both Kimberly members and others–– illustrates the wide agreement throughout the International Community that combating the trade in conflict diamonds remains an important priority. The Kimberly Process is an essential mechanism for curbing this illicit trade and addressing the violence and instability that it spreads.

    Today we have strengthened the Kimberly Process to further global peace, stability, and lawful economic development. While we have taken this important step in New York, the important work of implementing this resolution around the world continues.

    Again, I would like to congratulate Member States for their consensus and commitment to addressing this issue. We look forward to working with other Member States in realizing the goals and objectives of this resolution.

    Thank you.