International Year of Cooperatives

Intl. Year of Cooperatives

  •   International Year of Cooperatives
    Statement by
    Noa Furman
    Minister Counsellor
    Mr. President,
    The delegation of Israel appreciates this opportunity to salute the world cooperative movement. We welcome the General Assembly’s decision to declare 2012 as the Year of Cooperatives.
    The State of Israel was built on the foundation of strong cooperative movements. Cooperatives were a driving force in forging my country’s advanced agricultural, industrial and transportation networks. Two of the world’s most significant and successful cooperative business models were developed in Israel — the kibbutz and the moshav.
    Cooperatives account for more than 90% of agricultural production and 15% of industrial production and industrial exports in Israel today. Israeli cooperative enterprises are global leaders in the development, production and marketing of technologies that have revolutionized agricultural production, particularly in the realm of irrigation. Farmers in every corner of the planet are using Israeli technology developed on cooperatives to improve crop yields, irrigate their fields more efficiently, and reduce their carbon footprint.
    Israeli cooperatives continue to be at the forefront of social development in Israel. The combination of effective government investment in basic infrastructure and the development of strong cooperative movements devoted to agricultural production has virtually eliminated rural poverty. Israeli cooperatives have enabled our rural populations to achieve standards of living that rank amongst the highest of any rural population in the world, while guaranteeing food security for the rest of the country.
    Israel's cooperatives are significant drivers of development because they are independent, member-owned business enterprises. They are dedicated to meeting the needs of their members by successfully competing in globalized markets. In doing so, our cooperatives promote community self-reliance, collaboration and cohesion. They have also been at the forefront of advancing gender equality and women's empowerment within Israeli society.
    Israel's cooperatives are significant employers. They not only provide jobs for cooperative members, but also for hired laborers. All employees receive wages and enjoy working conditions that meet the standards of the "decent work agenda" of the ILO.
    Over the past century, Israel’s has witnessed firsthand transformative power of cooperative movements. We know well that "Cooperative enterprises build a better world."
    As we begin to observe the Year of Cooperatives, the Government of Israel pledges to join with others around the world to promote the growth of cooperative frameworks. We salute the International Cooperative Alliance and its member organizations on the eve of 2012 Year of Cooperatives!
    Thank you.