Financing for Development

Financing for Development


    Statement by 

    Shuli Davidovich 


    Thank you Mr. President,

    Israel welcomes the convening of the Fifth High-Level Dialogue on Financing for Development and appreciates your efforts in organizing this highly important meeting.

    The economic challenges of recent years have rippled throughout the world. Yet, it is the developing world that remains the most vulnerable. They should not bear this burden alone. The Millennium Declaration’s message about the importance of international collaboration is more relevant than ever. Global challenges require a global response.

    Mr. President,

    Israel is committed to the spirit of the Monterrey Consensus and the Doha Declaration. We continue to enhance our efforts in many areas related to financing for development, by contributing our knowledge and resources.

    Israel has steadily increased its official development assistance, a significant proportion of which is aimed at promoting sustainable development, particularly through human capacity building programs. We remain committed to reach the global target as soon as possible. In recent years, Israel has also increased its annual contribution to UN funds and programs and is proud to be a UNDP board member in 2012 and a UNICEF board member in 2013.

    However, financial contributions cannot be the only solution to the challenges of financing for development. Development cooperation must aim to create conditions in developing countries that allow them to attract investment and financing. We must disseminate technology, create partnerships, and promote capacity-building in these countries. We must promote innovative sources of financing. In this regard, Israel has integrated microcredit as an important part of its development and training activities. Microcredit plays a critical role during times of limited credit financing. It helps businesses grow. It creates jobs. It helps to shield countries from the uncertainty of economic fluctuations.

    Israel believes in fulfilling its development commitments by sharing its own development experience, to apply creative know-how, innovative technologies and resourceful solutions to eradicate extreme poverty and hunger. We share this expertise, particularly in fields such as water management, agriculture, public health, and community development with developing countries across the globe.

    Israel also strives, both domestically and as part of its development program, to achieve equal access to health care, education for all, and gender equality.

    Mr. President,

    Israel’s development activities take on many different forms globally, including bilateral, regional, multilateral and triangular partnerships across the developing world. We are proud to play an active role in many UN agencies, and remain committed to working with the international community to ensure that our development goals, including the Millennium Development Goals, give way to real achievements.
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    Opening session  of the Seminar of the President of the General Assembly on Dialogue, Understanding and Countering the Appeal of Terrorism, in Partnership with the Counter Terrorism Implementation Task Force (CTITF) and United Nations Interregional Crime Opening session of the Seminar of the President of the General Assembly on Dialogue, Understanding and Countering the Appeal of Terrorism, in Partnership with the Counter Terrorism Implementation Task Force (CTITF) and United Nations Interregional Crime Copyright: UN Photo/Devra Berkowitz