Amb Roet Addresses UNGA Briefing on Nepal

Amb. Roet addresses the UN briefing on Nepal

  •   As of Sunday night (May 4), the Israeli field hospital has treated 580 people and conducted 43 life-saving surgeries
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    Amb. Roet addresses the speacial briefing on Nepal Amb. Roet addresses the speacial briefing on Nepal Copyright: Israel Mission to UN
    I would like to thank Under Secretary Amos and Ambassador Bhattari for their heartbreaking briefing.

    Madame Chair,

    On behalf of the government and people of Israel, I would like to once again extend my deepest condolences to the people of Nepal, and to the families that have lost loved ones in this devastating earthquake. We pray for the speedy recovery of those who have been injured.

    It is important to recognize the United Nations and its agencies for their continued work to help those struck by such disaster, and to show the international community's support to Nepal during this difficult time.

    Israel is committed to aiding the government and people of Nepal, and will stand by Nepal during times of grief, as we have done during times of celebration.

    The bond between our two countries has been strengthening and growing for more than 50 years and continues to do so, as each year thousands of Israelis visit Nepal, welcomed graciously by the Nepalese people , while forming life-long friendships.

    For many years Israel's expertise in responding rapidly and effectively has been utilized amongst the international community, to help with both natural and man-made disasters.

    Most recently, Israel significantly cooperated in providing aid to West Africa during the Ebola epidemic. Throughout the years similar aid was provided to countries such as Turkey, Philippines, Haiti and other countries struck by disaster.

    This Experience tells us that in facing such a large scale tragedy, early response is crucial to save lives. Thus, upon receiving the first reports of the earthquake on April 25th, Israel immediately organized supplies of emergency humanitarian aid, and dispatched flights carrying rescue and medical teams to the area, as well as establishing a large field hospital.

    This advanced field hospital includes pediatric, surgical, neonatal and internal medicine departments as well as a maternity ward and emergency and operating rooms. It is also equipped with state of the art medical equipment, such as x-rays and laboratories.

    The aid team of 290 people consists of doctors, nurses, paramedics and supporting staff- all of whom are there to ensure that those who need treatment are able to receive to it.

    Ambassador Bhattari, the staff of our field hospital is honored that your Prime Minister and Chief of Staff found time to visit them during this difficult period.

    As of Sunday night (May 4), the Israeli field hospital has treated 580 people and conducted 43 life-saving surgeries. In the midst of tragedy, the hospital has been able to assist with three caesarean births, as well as two regular births.

    In addition to the government's support, we are proud to have several Israeli humanitarian NGOs collaborating on the ground and providing additional medical personal, as well as search and rescue teams.

    The Talmud teaches us that whoever saves a life, it is considered as if he saved an entire world.  But saving lives early-on is not enough.  As an entire world, we need to be committed to actively contribute to Nepal's long term reconstruction and rehabilitation.

    Madame Chair,

    We are dedicated to aid in rebuilding the infrastructure and homes of a region devastated by the disaster. As always we will continue to stand by Nepal's side.