Yesterday, the Palestinians Return Centre was granted a consultative status at the UN, despite objections by Israel, the US, Canada and Australia as well as several other countries.
Israel’s Deputy Permanent representative, David Roet, made a statement prior to the vote:
Thank you Mr. President,
Israel is proud to introduce draft decision L-25. Since we tabled
the resolution, we are happy to have joined us to co-sponsor, the United
States, Australia and Canada as well.
I would like to start by emphasizing the tremendous appreciation
that Israel has for the work of civil society.
The involvement of NGOs is crucial for societies, governments and
for the UN itself, in order to promote human rights and sustainable
development. As an active member of ECOSOC’s NGO committee, Israel has been
extremely proud to promote the granting of consultative status to many worthy
Unfortunately, lately the work of the NGO committee has become more
political while at times forgetting it’s responsibility to protect the United Nations
from allowing into its midst organizations whose values and actions clearly
contradict those of the charter.
Despite the fact that my country and other member states presented grave
concerns and questions, certain members of the NGO committee have blatantly
decided to ignore the common practice of the committee, to allow members to
raise questions in order to further deliberate on an application. We have thus
been compelled to present the decision in front of you not to grant status to
the PRC.
The Palestinian Return Center is not what it claims to be. It is not
just simply affiliated with Hamas, a recognized terror organization that is
responsible for the deaths of countless Israeli civilians, but is an essential
part of the Hamas network in Europe.
World media sources, national intelligence agencies, and
independent research centers have cited numerous connections between the PRC
and Hamas. The PRC recruits operatives throughout Europe, radicalizes them, and
encourages them to take arms against Israel. They host Hamas senior officials
in their conferences, where they openly call for the annihilation of the state
of Israel.
Moreover, in the application that the PRC submitted to the NGO
committee it is openly displayed that they are funded by well-known designated
terror funding organizations such as Interpal and the Charitable Committee
to Support Palestinian People).
The PRC have consistently denied any ties they have with Hamas. This
denial is deceitful. On June 2nd 2015, the day the NGO committee
recommended the special consultative status, Hamas Prime Minister, Ismayil
Hanniyeh, called
Majed Al-Zeer, Head of the PRC, and congratulated him on this achievement. From
his side, Al-Zeer thanked Hanniyeh and told him it wouldn’t have happened
without the movement’s support.
Later on that same day, Hanniyeh’s office published the
conversation on the Hamas website. Majed Al-Zeer immediately understood the potential
damage and quickly communicated with Hanniyeh’s office, urging them to publish
a denial of the conversation having taken place and to remove evidence of the
conversation from their web page. I have a screenshot of the webpage myself.
decision, calls for ECOSOC to decide not to grant consultative status to the
PRC. Endorsing an organization that openly promotes terrorism is in
contradiction not only to ECOSOC resolution 1996/31 but also to the UN Charter
itself. This organization is in clear
violation of the first stated purpose of the United Nations – “to maintain
international peace and security”.
Allowing such an organization to gain access to the UN will set a
dangerous precedent, which if not handled correctly, would pave the way for
other terror affiliated organizations to the UN. You, as members of ECOSOC, should
ask yourselves – can you afford to accept an organization affiliated with
terror, one of our larger shared global threats, into partnership with the UN? Is
this how you envision the future work of ECOSOC and the United Nations?
all have a chance today to stop this dangerous trend before it takes root. By
sending a clear message to terrorist organizations around the world – you shall
not cross our threshold. If you fail to
do so today, don’t be surprised if tomorrow Jabhat Al-Nusra, Al-Qaeda and ISIS will
also apply for consultative status.
will have presented them with a road map and a key to enter the United Nations.
As in the case of the PRC they will not do it under their own name but rather
behind the facade of a Human rights or development organization. They will gain
a foothold in the United Nations and by then it will be too late.
call on all members of ECOSOC to accept this resolution in consensus, in order
to protect this institution, soon to be celebrating its 70th year. In
case a vote will be called, I ask that you vote yes. By supporting this
decision you will not only be making the right moral choice but you will be as
well defending this institution and its values. Thank you Mr. President.