ECOSOC Substantive Session 2011 Item 7d Haiti

Long-term support for Haiti

  •   Substantive Session - Item 7d - Haiti
    Statement by
    Tiferet Unterman
    Adviser on Economic and Social Affairs

    Mr. President,
    The State of Israel supports the work of the Ad Hoc Advisory Group on Haiti and is a co-sponsor to the draft resolution E/2011/L.49 soon to be adopted. My delegation appreciates the report that was prepared albeit in the face of many obstacles to produce an informative and constructive document. These impediments are concerning and we look forward to the contributions the Group will lend to the improvements in coordination of development assistance.
    As emphasized in the report, capacity building is the basis for long-term recovery. Since day one after the earthquake Israel has partnered with Haiti to act in emergency response. However, we have now turned our attention from emergency response to long-term recovery. To this end, Israel, in partnership with the Office of the Haitian President and the Haitian Ministry of Health, recently held a groundbreaking ceremony for a new trauma unit in Cap-Haitiën.
    This trauma unit at the Hospital Justinien now offers high-quality medical care for trauma and other emergency medical needs – and provides important surge capacity in the case of future disasters. In addition to supporting the construction of this trauma unit, Israel provided the medical equipment and specialized training for hospital staff necessary to operate this unique center. Through the training of doctors, nurses, and technicians, this joint venture contributes to the long-term capacity building of the health sector of Cap-Haitiën.
    In addition to this partnership, plans are underway for a joint venture between Haiti and Israel on a capacity-building project in the agricultural sector. We look forward to the eventual implementation of these plans.
    Mr. President,
    My delegation supports the work of the Ad Hoc Advisory Group on Haiti and the continued development of Haiti’s government and society and Israel remains committed to assisting in the sustained, long-term capacity-building of Haiti.
    Thank you.