Israel's response to Palestinian delegate at CSW60

Israeli response to Palestinian CSW statement

  •   "Instead of focusing on the real reasons and the roots of the Mistreatment of women in Palestinian society, the Palestinians prefer to blame Israel.”
    Israeli diplomat Michal Sarig-Kaduri, delivered remarks today during a meeting of the UN’s Commission on the Status of Women, in response to a statement delivered by the Palestinian delegate:

    "Thank you Mr. Chair,

    It is rather unfortunate that once more, the Palestinians got the wrong memo about today’s session and have mistaken the CSW for another political debate.

    Apparently, they have decided to hijack every single platform to single out my country, the State of Israel.

    In this case, instead of focusing on the fate of Palestinian women within their own society and finding solutions for the improvement of their situation, the Palestinian representative spent all her energy and efforts to demonize Israel. This will do nothing for the women and girls this Commission has pledged to help.

    Israel is not perfect, and we are open to constructive criticism. But the statements we heard today are not criticisms and are not constructive. Rather, they are baseless and revolting accusations whose only goal is to delegitimize Israel.

    Let me remind this commission that gender equality and women’s empowerment are pillars of the Israeli society.

    Israeli women stand out as leaders in politics, law, mediation and conflict resolution.

    This is because Israel invests in the creation of initiates to empower all women. We are also strongly committed to end violence against women and we are proud supporters of the Secretary General's UNiTE to End Violence against Women campaign.

    By contrast, women within Palestinian society face various challenges such as, quote “gender-based violence and limited access to … employment opportunities, higher education and health care”. These are not my words but these are the words of the Secretary General.

    And yet, instead of focusing on the real reasons and the roots of the Mistreatment of women in Palestinian society, the Palestinians prefer to blame Israel.

    We sincerely hope that the diplomatic warfare against Israel will soon be replaced by a true commitment to the struggle of Palestinian women over quality and empowerment in their society.

    When that day comes, when the empowerment of women becomes the real priority of Palestinians, you will find a true partner in Israel.

    Thank you Mr. Chairperson. "

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