  • All Statements

    • 10.28.2011
      "In Israel, we take pride in the fact that approximately half of our internationally renowned judiciary is made up of women, including our Supreme Court, which is lead by Justice Dorit Bein ...
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    • 10.24.2011
      "There is the future offered by Iranian and Syrian leaders – a future of more extremism, greater violence and continued hate. Their vision will not liberate human beings, it will enslave th ...
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    • 10.17.2011
      "Israel views sport as essential for the promotion of peace and coexistence in our own state, the Middle East, and the international community."
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    • 10.11.2011
      Israel has focused extensively on education in Africa. In 2010 alone, MASHAV trained more 1200 people from more than 35 African countries, both in Israel and in their own countries.
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    • 09.23.2011
      As the prime minister of Israel, I speak for a hundred generations of Jews who were dispersed throughout the lands, who suffered every evil under the Sun, but who never gave up hope of rest ...
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    • 09.20.2011
      Our common goal of global sustainability can only be accomplished with productive land that is supported by functional biodiversity, a balanced atmosphere and a stable climate.
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    • 09.19.2011
      The Government of Israel has enacted a number of policies to promote awareness about early detection and to find cures to diseases that currently have none.
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    • 08.30.2011
      Lebanon continues to take provocative actions along the Blue Line. On August 1st, a soldier from the Lebanese Armed Forces fired on Israeli Defense Forces situated south of the Blue Line.
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