  • All Statements

    • 10.16.2012
      It is time to for the United Nations and all responsible members of the international community to take note: Hezbollah’s continued provocations and military buildup could have devastating ...
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    • 10.16.2012
      Gender equality is a fundamental principle that has long guided the Government of Israel. It is enshrined in our 1948 Declaration of Independence and in the 1951 Equal Rights for Women Law.
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    • 10.15.2012
      I want to make it perfectly clear so that no one in this chamber will say that they did not hear me or did not understand me: Hezbollah’s continued provocation and military buildup could ha ...
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    • 10.10.2012
      The Council has slept through more than 12,000 rocket attacks against Israelis over the past decade.
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    • 10.10.2012
      Israel reiterates its commitment as a signatory to all three international drug control treaties and as a member of the Commission on Narcotic Drugs.
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    • 10.10.2012
      The medieval Jewish philosopher Maimonides taught that we reach the highest level of righteousness when we give someone the means to sustain themselves. This idea is what drives our focus o ...
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    • 10.09.2012
      Last month Israel ratified the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. The ratification of the convention is an important step toward realizing the Millennium Development ...
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    • 09.27.2012
      Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu at the United Nations General Assembly: "At this late hour, there is only one way to peacefully prevent Iran from getting nuclear weapons - by placing a cl ...
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    • 09.19.2012
      This month, Israel’s children started their school year with the all-too-familiar sounds of exploding rockets. Every morning, the parents of Southern Israel wake up not knowing whether thei ...
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    • 09.11.2012
      Every morning, the children of Southern Israel wake up not knowing whether they will spend the day in a classroom or a bomb shelter. Three families in Netivot are homeless this week, after ...
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