SC Letter from Amb Prosor

Letter from Amb. Prosor to the UNSC 5/11

  •   Letter from Amb. Prosor to the Security Council RE: Jerusalem Terror Attack 5/11
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    Amb. Ron Prosor Amb. Ron Prosor Copyright: Israel at the UN



    If recent events offer any indication, the Security Council will once again remain silent as Israel buries yet another victim of Palestinian terrorism.  Earlier today, a terrorist rammed his vehicle onto two crowded Jerusalem train platforms, killing Jedan Assad and injuring 14 others.  Shortly after the attack Hamas claimed responsibility, calling the perpetrator a ‘martyr’ and describing the attack as ‘a heroic operation.’ 


    This is the most recent example of the violence that has come in the wake of inflammatory remarks made by the Palestinian leadership.  Two weeks ago, Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas called on Palestinians to prevent Jews from visiting the Temple Mount using “all means” necessary.  In response to this blatantly dangerous provocation, the Security Council did not utter a word.


    Following Abbas’s incitement, hundreds of Arabs rioted in Jerusalem, on 23 October a terrorist deliberately drove full speed onto a Jerusalem train platform killing two people, and days later, Palestinian terrorist, Moataz Hijazi, shot Rabbi Yehuda Glick.  The Security Council continued to remain silent.


    As Rabbi Yehuda Glick lay in a coma, fighting for his life, President Abbas saw fit to write a condolence letter to the family of the would-be murderer.  In the letter he describes Israeli security forces as “terrorists” and glorified Hijazi as a ‘martyr.’  President Abbas is sanctioning and celebrating murder and Israelis are paying with their lives.  Still nothing from the Security Council.


    I write to you today with the full expectation that the Council will continue adhering to its vow of silence. Should the Council revise its policy and deem it appropriate to condemn the Palestinians leadership’s incitement and the violence that follows, I will be the first to commend the Council for embracing sound judgment and upholding international peace and security.


    I should be grateful if you would have this letter distributed as an official document of the Security Council. I wish to inform you that an identical letter has been sent to H.E. Mr. Ban Ki-moon, Secretary-General of the United Nations.  Please accept, Excellency, the assurance of my highest consideration.


    Yours truly,



    Ron Prosor


    Permanent Representative


    H.E. Mr. Gary Francis Quinlan

    President of the Security Council

    United Nations

    New York​