I write to share
my concerns regarding the most recent Report of the Secretary-General on the
United Nations Disengagement Observer Force. To begin with, paragraph
2 of the report erroneously accuses Israel of committing, “the most significant
violation since the conclusion of the 1974 Disengagement of Forces Agreement.” This
accusation misrepresents events and diminishes the fact that an attack
originating from Syrian territory resulted in the wounding of four Israeli
I find it
disconcerting that a legitimate action taken by Israel in self-defense is described
as “the most significant violation” when the Syrian government regularly violates
the Separation of Forces Agreement. In the
past five months, there have been more intentional attacks on Israel than in
the past 40 years.
illegal Syrian activity has increased significantly in the area of
separation. In fact, paragraph 38 of the
Report offers examples of the violations committed by the Syrian government,
such as “…the dropping of bombs onto the area of separation by the Syrian armed
forces aircraft…[and] the use of Syrian armed forces and opposition tanks
during clashes in the area of separation.” It is clear that the most severe violations
are, in fact, being committed by the Syrian government.
Second, paragraph
9 of the Report states: “On one occasion UNDOF observed the IDF on the Alpha
side handing over two boxes to armed members of the opposition on the Bravo
side.” At the time of the incident in question, UNDOF officials asked the IDF
about the contents of the box and were informed that they contained medicine
for Syrian citizens that had received medical treatment in Israel and
subsequently returned home to Syria. Excluding this vital information from the
Report misleads readers and implies Israel was acting in bad faith.
Finally, I ask
the Security Council to acknowledge that in the face of persistent violence and
volatility, Israel has acted with considerable restraint.
I should be grateful if you would have this letter
distributed as an official document of the Security Council. I wish to inform
you that an identical letter has been sent to H.E. Mr. Ban Ki-moon,
Secretary-General of the United Nations.
Allow me, Excellency, to renew to you the assurances of my highest
Ron Prosor