of Palestine - Agenda Item 18
the Truth is a Revolutionary Act
25, 2013
Thank you Mr. President,
John Fitzgerald Kennedy said, “The great enemy of the truth is very
often not the lie... but the myth, persistent, persuasive and
This is the third year that I am standing before this Assembly to
address this agenda item and once again, I experience a sense of déjà vu as I
listen to a distortion of history. The
greatest legends of Greek mythology cannot rival the fables and fabrications
that have come to be associated with this debate.
This debate may take place only once a year, but anti-Israel bias
pervades the UN system all year round.
In 2012, this Assembly found the time to pass 22 resolutions condemning
Israel – compared with only four that single out other nations.
The worst human rights abusers receive a fraction of the
condemnation that Israel – the only democracy in the Middle East -
receives. These irresponsible actions
have irreversible consequences. The
states that rubberstamp the anti-Israel resolutions every year, have given the
Palestinians a false sense of reality and fed their culture of victimhood.
Mr. President,
It has only been one year since this assembly voted to change the
Palestinian delegation’s status at the United Nations. To all those who voted in favor of that
resolution, I ask the following: What
exactly has changed?
Did the resolution give the Palestinian Authority control over
Gaza? Not in the least. Gaza comprises
forty percent of the territory that President Abbas claims to represent, but he
hasn’t set foot in the area in six years.
It seems to me that the Palestinian Authority has been asserting more
control over some UN bodies than it does over the Gaza Strip. Since 2007, Gaza has been in the hands of
Hamas, a terrorist organization that rains missiles on Israel’s civilians.
Did the resolution passed last year motivate the Palestinian
Authority to finally hold elections? Not
at all. Perhaps someone in this Assembly
should remind the Palestinian Authority that its mandate expired in 2009 – and one
election doesn’t mean you can rule forever.
At the same time I have to wonder, where are all the countries that
claim to stand for democratic values? They are quick to cast judgment on
Israel, but fall strangely silent when the Palestinians don’t cast votes.
Did the resolution passed last year inspire the Palestinian
Authority to prepare their
people for peace? Not in the least. Rather than teaching their children tolerance
and mutual recognition, the Palestinian leadership continues to foster a
culture of incitement.
Palestinian Media Watch will soon release a report documenting
hundreds of examples of Palestinian incitement since the peace talks
began. One such example is football
teams named in honor of terrorists responsible for some of the deadliest
attacks against Israelis. Instead of teaching kids to score goals, the
Palestinian leadership’s goal is to glorify murderers.
Israel recently made the difficult decision to release 26 convicted
murderers as part of its commitment to advancing the peace talks. Shortly after, the Palestinian Authority
announced that each of these 26 terrorists would be rewarded with $50,000 and
some will earn as much as Palestinian ministers. The motto of the PA’s pension
plan seems to be ‘the more you slay, the more we pay.’
As the PA sings praises to murderers, the international community
tunes out and mysteriously loses its voice.
I wonder how taxpayers in London or Luxemburg would feel knowing that their
tax dollars are being used to reward convicted murderers?
The Palestinian leadership has yet to learn an important
lesson. You cannot abuse others and call
yourself the abused. And you cannot claim your history is being denied, while
denying the history of the Jewish nation.
In Gaza, Hamas is poisoning the hearts and minds of the next
generation. They recently published a textbook for 55,000 high school students
in which page after page denies Judaism's historical connection to the land of
Israel and describes Zionism as racism. Textbooks should be for education, but Hamas
uses them for provocation, indoctrination and escalation.
These are just the most recent examples of the incitement targeting
the next generation. Terrorism does not
begin with an attack on a bus or in a pizza parlor. It begins in classrooms,
mosques, and day camps where Palestinian children are being taught prejudice
instead of peace; terror instead of tolerance; and martyrdom instead of mutual
This incitement is having deadly consequences. Between 2011 and 2012, the number of
Palestinian terror attacks against Israel doubled. So far in 2013, there have been 1,163 terror
attacks against Israelis and dozens of attempted kidnappings.
Just over a week ago, Eden Atias, a 19-year-old Israeli soldier, was
stabbed to death while sleeping on a passenger bus. Eden was the latest victim of the escalating
terror attacks against Israelis. In
September, 20 year-old Tomer Hazan was murdered, two soldiers were injured in
an attack near Nablus, and a 9-year-old girl was stabbed while playing in her
front yard. In October, four Israeli
civilians were injured in a stabbing attack and Sraya Ofer was brutally beaten
to death outside his home in the Jordan Rift Valley.
All those who claim to advance peace must remind the Palestinians that
there are no shortcuts. Peace is not
achieved by changing your nameplate at the UN; it isn’t achieved by unilateral
actions or by passing a string of anti-Israel resolutions; and it won’t be
achieved in Manhattan, mid-town east, but rather in the Middle East. So long as the Palestinian leadership chooses
symbolism over pragmatism, it will be harder to achieve peace.
Mr. President,
In a few days, on November 29, the United Nations will recognize
the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People. Let me take a moment to remind this Assembly
what really occurred on this day in history. On November 29 1947, the General Assembly
adopted resolution 181, which came to be known as the Partition Plan. This
resolution provided for the establishment of a Jewish state and an Arab
The Jews accepted huge compromises and gave up on dreams the Jewish
people had carried for generations. But
they welcomed the plan and joyously declared a new state in their ancient
homeland. Chaim Weizmann, who later
became the first president of the State of Israel, proclaimed: “It is now our
primary task to establish relations of peace and harmony with our Arab
Rather than accept the partition plan, five surrounding Arab
nations declared war on the newborn Jewish state. Their intentions were made
clear by Azzam Pasha, Secretary-General of the Arab League, who said: “It will
be a war of annihilation. It will be a momentous massacre in history that will
be talked about like the massacres of the Mongols or the Crusades.”
The Arabs not only rejected the UN offer of a Palestinian state,
they then declared war against the Jewish state. Since losing this war, the Arabs have In the ensuing yearsperpetuated the
Palestinian refugee problem and still have the audacity to demand solidarity.
Broadway may be down the street, but the real theater is here at
the United Nations. In these halls, the
Arab nations shine a spotlight on the Palestinian refugees, but back home in
the Middle East, leave them in the dark.
Since 1948, the Arab states refused to accept the Palestinian refugees
into their societies, confined them to refugee camps, and passed discriminatory
Mr. President,
General Assembly resolution 181 passed in 1947 speaks of the
creation of a “Jewish State” no fewer than 25 times. And yet today, 66 years
later, have you heard Palestinian leaders utter the term ‘Jewish state’? Of
course not.
Palestinian leaders call for an independent Palestinian state, but
they insist that the Palestinian people return to the Jewish state. This is a
euphemism for the destruction of the State of Israel and the single greatest
hurdle to achieving peace.
Many in this room are convinced that the root of the
Israeli-Palestinian conflict is the settlements. In fact, from the time that Israel gained its
independence in 1948 until 1967, the West Bank was in Jordanian hands and Gaza
was in Egyptian hands. Throughout this
time, there was not a single settlement.
Yet the Palestinians still sought our destruction.
Today, just 2% of the Israeli population lives in settlements, but
they are blamed for 100% of the problems.
The math simply doesn’t add up.
Mr. President,
Israel is the ancient homeland of the Jewish people. It is the
birthplace of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob; the land where Moses and Joshua led the
Jewish people and King Solomon built the Jewish Temple.
Israel is the place where the bible tells us about David, who was
made king and laid the cornerstone for his palace in Jerusalem, the eternal
capital of the Jewish people. That is King
David from Judea, not King David from the ‘West Bank’ – and certainly not King
David from the so-called ‘occupied territories.’ After all, you can’t ‘occupy’
your own home.
For thousands of years, Jerusalem served as the capital of the
Jewish people. Three thousand years ago,
my ancestors walked the same streets that my children walk, spoke the same
language that I speak, and prayed at the very same Temple Mount that Jews pray
at every single day.
Yet all of these historical facts are brushed aside. Instead, in this Assembly all we hear are
rants, rhetoric and biased resolutions. It
doesn’t take a fortuneteller to predict the language in these resolutions. After all, the same text is copied and pasted
each year – much of it dating back five decades. Yet country after country sees
no problem in standing up and parroting propaganda. I’m reminded of President John F. Kennedy who
said, “No matter how big the lie; repeat it often enough and the masses will
regard it as the truth.”
The resolutions being voted on today have no relationship to the
facts on the ground. Just last week the
UN adopted nine resolutions condemning Israel.
One of these resolutions condemned Israel’s treatment of the Syrian
people. Condemned Israel’s treatment of
the Syrian people? It is inconceivable
that while Israeli hospitals are treating the Syrians who escaped Assad’s massacre;
the UN is denouncing Israel’s treatment of the Syrians.
If that weren’t enough, the GA will soon vote on another resolution
calling on Israel to hand over the Golan Heights and its residents to Syria. It
is nothing short of absurd for the UN to demand that even more civilians be subject
to Assad’s brutality.
At the United Nations, there are countless resolutions that
delegitimize and demonize Israel. Why
don’t I ever hear anyone speak about all the good work Israel is doing for the
While the Palestinians are busy condemning Israel at the UN, Israel
is busy supporting the Palestinian economy and developing their
infrastructure. Today, more than 100,000
Palestinians earn their living in Israel, making up more than 10% of the
Palestinian GDP. Israel is also building four electrical substations and
providing more than 1,400 million gallons of clean water annually.
Palestinians receive world-class healthcare services in hospitals
throughout the country. In the first half of 2013 alone, more than 94,000
Palestinians received treatment in Israeli hospitals.
And we continue
to give, even as our goodwill is knowingly exploited. While the IDF uncovers
one terror tunnel after another, the flow of consumer goods continues into Gaza
uninterrupted. Each day, the state of Israel delivers 400 truckloads to the
Palestinian people via the Keren Shalom Terminal.
Mr. President,
George Orwell said, “In a time of universal deceit - telling the
truth is a revolutionary act.”
The truth is that Israel is not just speaking about peace; it is
demonstrating its commitment every single day.
Peace is a central value of Israeli society and it has been the goal of
the Israeli people and every Israeli leader since our state was re-established
65 years ago.
We will not be deterred from this goal. Israel has always extended its hand for peace
and it will continue to do so for our children and for our grandchildren. When
we faced an Arab leader who wanted peace, we made peace. That was the case with
Egypt and that was the case with Jordan.
We are committed to negotiating with our Palestinian neighbors so that our
two peoples can live side by side in peace, dignity and freedom.
I call on my colleagues in this Hall not to be
distracted by unilateral efforts and biased resolutions. Remind the Palestinians to take
responsibility and that the only way to reach a comprehensive peace deal is
through hard work and direct negotiations.
Working together, we in this room call all make
history by making peace. Working
together, we can author a better future - one where our people can live in
security, free from violence; where the horizon is bright with opportunity;
and, where our children can live side by side in peace.
Thank you, Mr. President.