Prosor to Nefesh B'Nefesh Olim

Amb. Prosor bids farewell to hundreds of Olim

  •   “You are the answer to BDS. You are the answer to the new wave of Antisemitism. You are the answer to those who think that one Jewish state is one too many.”
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    Wishing a safe journey the the new Olim Wishing a safe journey the the new Olim Copyright: Shahar Azran
    I come to you directly from the United Nations. Standing before you, I see how each and every one of you is standing united with the State of Israel. 

    You have no illusions about where you are going - you are driven by your belief, your passion, and your commitment to building Jewish life in the nation-state of the Jewish people, Israel.

    You and I share an important mission. At the UN, Israeli diplomats are soldiers in the fight against those who question the existence of the Jewish state. By joining us in Israel, you are the answer. You are the answer for a thriving economy. You are the answer to BDS. You are the answer to the new wave of anti-Semitism. You are the answer to those who think that one Jewish state is one too many.

    I always say that when I walk the halls of the UN, I do so proudly, knowing who I represent and what I represent. Seeing you here today gives me the strength and inspiration to continue to hold my head up high- and I want to thank you for that.

    There are many lone soldiers making aliyah today – but they are not alone.   The entire nation of Israel will become your family.  We are proud of you – for your dedication to the Zionist dream and your devotion to the future of our people.