Letter to Security Coucil

Letter from Amb. Prosor to the UNSC 7/11

  •   Letter from Ambassador Prosor to UNSC re: Nasrallah's Statement

    I am writing to draw your attention to an inflammatory speech delivered by Hezbollah Secretary General Hassan Nasrallah.  At a time when tensions are boiling over, Nasrallah is intentionally trying to further destabilize the region.  In his speech, he threatened Israel saying, “[Israel] will not find a place…that the Lebanese resistance’s rockets won’t reach.”  These are not idle threats.  

    For years, we have warned the international community that illegal arms continue to flow into Southern Lebanon in flagrant breach of resolution 1701.  On the Council’s watch, Hezbollah has amassed over 100,000 deadly missiles - an arsenal that it intends to use. These missiles can reach all of Israel and well beyond.  Like Hamas, Hezbollah intentionally stores its weapons in civilian areas. Like Hamas, Hezbollah commits a double war crime by hiding behind civilians while launching attacks against Israelis. If Hezbollah proceeds with its disproportionate acts of aggression, it will receive a proportionate response. 

    Hezbollah is actively seeking to ignite the region.  Last month, three IEDs were detonated on the Israeli side of the Blue Line.  Shortly after the attack, Hezbollah claimed responsibility for planting the devices.  This was not the first time that Nasrallah admitted his organization’s responsibility for planting roadside bombs in the vicinity of Mount Dov.

    The failure to enforce the arms embargo in Lebanon undermines the basic fabric of security and stability in our region. It could have catastrophic consequences.  The international community does not have the luxury of ignoring this dangerous reality any longer. The Security Council must demand that the Lebanese Government fully abide by Security Council resolution 1701and deploy its armed forces in Southern Lebanon and prevent any future attacks before it is too late.  Israel will not tolerate any attack on its territory and will act to protect its sovereignty and citizens.

    I should be grateful if you would have this letter distributed as an official document of the Security Council. I wish to inform you that an identical letter has been sent to H.E. Mr. Ban Ki-moon, Secretary-General of the United Nations.

    Allow me, Excellency, to renew to you the assurances of my highest consideration.


    Yours truly,




    Ron Prosor


    Permanent Representative


    H.E. Mr. Gary Francis Quinlan

    President of the Security Council

    United Nations

    New York​