Israel's representative pseaks at the Finance for Development conference

Israel's Finance for Development statement

  •   Head of Israel's Agency for International Development Cooperation, Mashav, spoke at the 3rd International Conference on Financing for Development in Addis Ababa
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    Ambassador Gil Haskel at the 3rd International Conference on Financing for Development Ambassador Gil Haskel at the 3rd International Conference on Financing for Development Copyright: Israel at the UN
    Statement by the Head of the Israeli Delegation, Ambassador Gil Haskel, Head of Mashav – Israel's Agency for International Development Cooperation: 

    Your  Excellency, the PM of Ethiopia and Conference President. The President of the 69th General Assembly. Heads of state, Ministers, Ambassadors, colleagues, ladies and Gentlemen.


    At the outset, allow me to join numerous speakers before me and thank the People and government of the friendly nation of Ethiopia for this graciously hospitable week and well organized conference. And to congratulate you, Mr. President for guiding the deliberations in such a precise manner.

    The year 2015 presents a momentous opportunity for the international community and a turning point towards a more sustainable future for all inhabitants of our planet. However, rapid globalization poses also risks of increasing inequality and rapid population growth that leads to food and water insecurity. The challenge we all face is matching human development with resource development. 

    The State of Israel has been committed, since the very early days of its establishment, 67 years ago, in fulfilling its responsibility to contribute to the ongoing, uphill global fight against extreme poverty, hunger and constant international efforts to achieve sustainable development.

    MASHAV, the Israeli Aid and International development cooperation Agency, represents the State of Israel and its people, in this campaign, focusing its efforts on capacity building, sharing relevant expertise accumulated during Israel's own development experience to empower governments, communities and individuals to improve their own lives.


    The constant spread of food, water and nutrition insecurity are daunting challenges for the entire international community. To address these challenges, there is a need to move towards the implementation of an integrated climate-smart innovative approach, that combines all components of development assistance – financial and technical alike. One will not be sufficient without the other. 

    Israel has faced its own development challenges and transformed subsistence agriculture into an advanced, modern and efficient economy. As a member of the family of nations, Israel has been for more than half a century, sharing her know-how and expertise with dozens of countries throughout the globe, including some of our immediate neighbors.

    Israel believes in applying its accumulated know-how, into creative solutions to eradicate extreme poverty and hunger, proper access to health care, education for all, gender equality and the empowerment of women. 

    Based on its own development experience and expertise, Israel shares know-how, innovative technologies, and tested methodologies adaptable to different regional needs, following a "train the trainers" capacity building approach. We fully adopted the MDG process as a guideline to our activity, and intend to integrate our activity into the new development post 2015 agenda, and to integrate the SDG's themselves into our development program vis-à-vis our development partners.

    Israel believes in the power of entrepreneurship as a key enabler for sustainable economic growth and development as well as a powerful tool for social inclusiveness. Israel throughout its capacity building activities empowers women and youth by providing them the tools and skills needed to fulfill their true potential. Guided by the principal that talent is everywhere but opportunities not. And that is the crucial role of development cooperation – to unlock opportunities. 

    We call for a global partnership to establish a framework for financing and implementing sustainable development as a crucial element of the post-2015 agenda. We need to strive to find new and creative ways of investing in development, while taking into consideration the integration of the social, economic and environmental dimensions of sustainability.

    Israel believes that programs which synthesize financing and planning from both the public and the private sectors, present an achievable method of implementing a supportive and sustainable environment for development. We are strong believers that a successful collaboration of governments, private sector and civil society will allow an enabling environment for innovation to spread world over – into developed and least developed societies alike.

    Reinforcing gender equality and the empowerment of women is an essential requirement in achieving sustainable development. Women have the potential to change their own economic status and that of their communities and countries. Investing in women's and girls' education is one of the most effective ways to reduce poverty. Therefore, providing an enabling environment for them to exercise their rights and make choices in their own lives is crucial. It is at the heart of human development.

    Israel widely invests in this field in our global development program, and we call all our partners to do the same.

    Let me reaffirm and strengthen Israel's commitment to continue our efforts to develop affordable technologies and solutions, and to continue sharing our knowledge and expertise to inspire and support fellow nations, communities and individuals in their struggle to achieve sustainable development and social equality.

    Mr. President,

    I find it extremely difficult to leave this podium without saying a word on our region – the Middle East, and without referring to the words of our Palestinian colleague, delivered here yesterday; the middle east arena in General, and the Palestinian authority in particular are in great need of development cooperation and assistance – but it must be noted that political bashing is definitely not a tool in the sustainable development tool box, and will lead no-one out of poverty, possibly the contrary.


    Israel has always declared, and we are doing so again today, from this distinguished stage in Addis Ababa – let us all unite together – Israelis and Arabs alike, in a common development agenda, for the goodwill of the people of our region. Let's leave the political blame game out of the professional dialogue of the global efforts to reach a new era of sustainable development goals.  Let's just develop.      

    Thank you