Israel's efforts to educate against racism

Israel's Efforts to Educate Against Racism

    Third Committee

    Contemporary forms of racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance

     Agenda Item 67 (a)

    Statement by Ophir Kariv


    4 November 2013


    Thank you, Mr. Chairman.


    Mr. Chairman,


    Only days ago, we paused to commemorate 75 years since Kristallnacht – the Night of Broken Glass when violent anti-Jewish riots littered the streets of Germany and Austria with the broken glass of ransacked Jewish stores, buildings, and synagogues.


    Today, as we seek to shatter the stereotypes of racism and xenophobia, our memory of the shattered glass of Kristallnacht reminds us that racism continues to cast its dark shadow across many parts of the globe. 


    Coinciding with this anniversary, the results of a recent survey on anti-Semitism were released. These results revealed that the scale and severity of anti-Semitism have intensified over the past five years, particularly with the proliferation of hate speech online. This survey showed that bigotry and discrimination are eroding the values of tolerance and equality.


    We cannot afford to lose the race against racism.  In addition to confronting traditional forms of racism, we now have to contend with racism 2.0 – in which individuals are using modern technology to spread an ancient hate.


    This new frontier presents a significant challenge to all of us in this chamber. The internet is a marvel of human attainment – tool designed for constructive purposes. However it can, and sometimes is, exploited for harmful purposes. We note with alarm that the internet is being applied as a vehicle for incitement, driving racist rhetoric from the fringes to the mainstream.


    As this racial intolerance spreads to the darkest corners of the world-wide-web, we must reclaim the internet as a tool for education – a tool that can democratize access to ideas and bring them to the people.


    Mr. Chairman,


    The war of ideas requires our vigilance and our ongoing attention – as it cannot be defeated on one front, and it cannot be defeated overnight.  We must redouble our efforts and our commitment to education across all platforms. As Special Rapporteur Mr. Mutuma Ruteere emphasized in his April report, "Education is central to preventing and combating racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance, given its role in creating new values and attitudes."


    The Jewish experience with racism and xenophobia is chronicled in the blood-stained volumes of our history books. This makes the State of Israel especially sensitive to the critical role of education in promoting tolerance and understanding. President Shimon Peres explained that "Israel is a pluralistic society of many shades – a society of Jews, Christians, Muslim Arabs, Beduin, Druise and Circassians who live together in coexistence…Greater emphasis must be placed on education toward tolerance and equality." These are the core values that we cherish.


    In its most recent Universal Periodic Review, Israel’s goal of increasing equality between its diverse communities was described as a "national priority". Accordingly, we have made it an essential component of our education and training programs.  Israeli police forces receive extensive training in order to appreciate the distinct sensitivities of Israel's diverse society.  Israeli schools also teach pluralism and educate students about the importance of tolerance and understanding.


    The International School for Holocaust Studies at Yad Vashem trains educators from across the globe. In 2013 alone, Yad Vashem hosted over 100 seminars for 2,500 educators from more than 50 countries on 5 continents. These seminars focus on how to convey the messages of the Holocaust to students all over the world. Close to 70 countries have sent representatives and educators to Yad Vashem for training on tolerance and understanding, while Yad Vashem’s website records some 12 million visits a year from over 100 countries.




    By giving educators the tools they need to effectively educate students about the values of acceptance and equality, we ensure that humanity never again plummets into the depths that we suffered in the Holocaust.


    Mr. Chairman,


    Contemporary forms of racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance are a plague that crosses cultures and continents; it violates and desecrates. It rears its ugly head in every sphere, from the sporting field to the field of politics. The time has arrived to liberate future generations from the burden of this scourge.


    As Holocaust survivor and humanitarian Elie Weisel said, "Wherever men and women are persecuted because of their race, religion, or political views, that place must - at that moment - become the center of the universe."


    No decent person can stand by as racism threatens to poison the hearts and minds of another generation. The Jewish people and the State of Israel know all too well how evil can prevail when people shut their eyes and turn their backs.   So let us open our eyes and raise our voice to combat racism and intolerance once and for all.


    Thank you Mr. President